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Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

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The tiny giant Offline
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Post: #5241
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Might of put my first message in wrong thread but this afternoon s66 started something new called S66CHAT in where the studio babes are live and speaking on mic and it was even on sky TV I think it's a good idea but they are trying to get people from other sites to join there's instead yes a person has to sign up and pay for credits but if a person signs up they get £20 in credits with whatever payment they do. Thing I don't understand is if a person is a VIP already on that channel then they don't need to sign up as it's all inclusive as a VIP member. So really if a person signs up wouldn't it be better to become a VIP than paying twice from Dazzler
12-03-2021 01:05
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Snooks Away
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Post: #5242
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Scooby doo makes the key point here I feel.
It's about the attitude towards tipping that is key. It should be a simple thing for babes to understand but alas.....alas.

The babes that are complacent about tippers to the point of assuming tips as a divine right will suffer. These are often the same babes who fail to oblige tip goal activity or oblige it in dishonest fashion.

The babes that are genuine, open, honest, proactive and sincere will benefit and hit goals very easily. Jess and Lanta were rattling through goals like the clappers last night.
I wonder why?
Could it be that people actually trust them?
I rather think so.
Well I never Wink.
Who knew honesty could be a thing? Wink

13-03-2021 17:45
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Asspocalypse Offline
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Post: #5243
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Lola Belle on cams is an absolute BEAUTY!
13-03-2021 17:50
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The tiny giant Offline
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Post: #5244
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
(13-03-2021 17:45 )snookered Wrote:  Scooby doo makes the key point here I feel.
It's about the attitude towards tipping that is key. It should be a simple thing for babes to understand but alas.....alas.

The babes that are complacent about tippers to the point of assuming tips as a divine right will suffer. These are often the same babes who fail to oblige tip goal activity or oblige it in dishonest fashion.

The babes that are genuine, open, honest, proactive and sincere will benefit and hit goals very easily. Jess and Lanta were rattling through goals like the clappers last night.
I wonder why?
Could it be that people actually trust them?
I rather think so.
Well I never Wink.
Who knew honesty could be a thing? Wink
I think if a babe on any channel is liked very much and they dont try to push people in tipping or meeting tip goals but interact with the chatroom or whoever is watching I think more people will tend to do more because the fun factor is there which I think what a curtain channel has done is yes stopped some of the bad stuff that goes on in babe channels but now have lost alot of custom through only curtain people in that chat room and if no one is talking in chatroom then it's a long day for that babe from Dazzler
13-03-2021 23:50
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #5245
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Very true Dazzler. (You have a very good habit of raising under discussed topics btw! Wink ) I think too many babes fall into a trap of not giving enough consideration to the crowd as a separate entity all of its own. Instead they seem to think only of breaking it up, categorising individuals within it, and narrowing their focus to each punter's specific moments of spending. They feel they must isolate us as much as possible in every encounter. It's, of course, understandable and desirable that babes get to know each spender by doing so (it's obviously enhancing to create better relationships ahead of future use). But - and it's a very big "but" - this can often be to the detriment of certain aspects of the shows; ones that some paying punters value dearly. Moments of individual interaction shouldn't be any babe's all-consuming focus. Such a focus denies the fact that, for many of us at least, the shows will always be best viewed as a mass spectator sport! We want to share an event and be involved in a group spectacle... even as we, erm, do our own thing! Tongue

For us, being part of the crowd (preferably one with a likeminded primary intent) is very much a driving and desired part of the experience. A thrill we can be actively seeking out when we come to the streams.

The introduction of chat boxes a while back has only enhanced this desire. Being part of something wider, could, in times gone by, only be sensed and/or imagined (backed, after the fact, by forum posts we'd see expressing similar emotions)... But nowadays it has become an immediate and very viseral motivating force of our visits thanks to the validation that can come in chat's messages.

With the right punters, fellow chatters can form a pedatory pack instinct around their desires. As a result, our sense of satisfaction at our time on a stream can be made or broken by the babe's handle over her show as a whole and her 'room' in particular. Is she 'in tune' with its mood? Can she feel its desires? These things suddenly become stupidly important when each punter senses the same possibilities and quest for action. We will walk away if a babe is not cultivating those desires.

Under these circumstances the chat box represents a kinship and bond; anticipation and excitement swells at the common cause, and when the babe responds we get a rush off the adrenaline at the increasingly hurried and unfiltered commentary that results. We are very much part of the hunt with each contribution thereafter. The often base nature of the messages and pink wall of tips themselves encourage us on. The word can get out to and fresh punters can be drawn in as it goes. (In manipulating the whole as one unit a savvy and commited babe's initial actions can even push forward this agenda from the off.)

This is the most potent use of tipping/vibra and tip goals going. With a sympathetic babe feeding off the energy and vibe of a complimentary and very active crowd, babe and tipper alike can each pile on their coal. The heat of the show being precipitated in the cycle of erotic action and ever heightening interactions that tend to come in waves; each tip enhancing the experience of all that has gone before it. It can be a very addictive sensation being an active part of that build and stimulation.

A babeshow crowd can have an utterly unique and compelling pull all of its own in this way - provided babe and watchers work in simpatico... The smart modern babe should know all this. She should already be USING these ready elements whenever it seems on to do so. Using them to the hilt.

We crave a babe that is into this; we want more of what we've seen of it and will be there if a babe proves she can join the club. But so many seem to look the other way from the chance each and every time. Do they have other priorities or are they unaware..?

Of course - better than bloody reading about it laugh- anyone wishing to see a mastery of the sort of crowd manipulation I've described above should just watch Altanta or Jess W. These babes are at the top of their craft these days precisely because they are prepared to work their audience in this way (wherever it may form - in group or on main cam). The punters contributing to their shows have become steadfastly loyal both because they trust their babe and because they love the feelings they get from being part of what is a total validation of their fandom.

Otoh, any babe that wont look to service these cravings (and any babeshow crowd of a decent enough size will exhibit them IMO) is effectively ruling herself out to a very active slice of the current market. Her tip figures will simply never be what they could be. (This has nothing to do with a babe's content levels btw. The levels of Jess and Atlanta are not required to make this work. Evelyn does it too for instance - all the time - and she is barely topless fta. I'm speaking of a tactic only; an intrinsic and acute awareness to the possibilities of a style of working. And one that, IMO, no babe should be ignoring at this time.)

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 14-03-2021 13:53 by ShandyHand.)
14-03-2021 13:47
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Rake Offline
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Post: #5246
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

A sort of virtual babeshow bukkake, when it happens, can be scintillating.

Some great points there Shandy, crystallising in words an area of the presenter-punter dynamic that perhaps has been neglected before now.
14-03-2021 14:14
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Snooks Away
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Post: #5247
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Or to put it another way.....

Honesty of endeavour is all.

Not just in action but intent.
Put on a show and mean it to best engage with your audience.
And have fun with it.

A happy, smiling, laughing, engaging, horny babe will win the day or night.


14-03-2021 20:58
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The tiny giant Offline
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Post: #5248
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
We are coming up to the first year in this pandemic some of us got furlough at the end of march last year there been a few girls that really haven't left our screens over this time and with the constant merry go round in just working preforming and doing basically what everyone else is doing. because most people are doing the same are customers and channel babes running out of things to talk about the customers that are working seem not to be around much for there favourite girls as much and they need who are at home have like run out of money or finding it harder to there favourite girl happy and as active as possible. Maybe once we get over Easter and April and start seeing doing new things that we have all taken for granted. Like going out going back to work seeing people we haven't seen for months. But the silky thing is we are all going to say this to people we meet up again is. So what you been upto knowing that most have done what we have doing. I think everyone is now missing the normality including channel babes. From Dazzler
15-03-2021 00:30
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #5249
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
^ Lockdowns have made most sensible folk reflective at times I imagine. It becomes hard to justify this bloody silly little addiction of ours at such times.

Life is about balance. About experiencing and above all sharing with the people around you. In these strange times when we can't do enough of either talking to and obsessing over fantasy women on t'internet begins to look vacuous, self-indulgent and basically unjustifiable precisely because the balance has gone.

The shows should be an occassional escape from the chores and stresses of RL: Desire fulfilment and male-female relations (increasingly burdened by new levels of moral bureaucracy in society) simplified to the transactional. A release-valve to the complexities of the world. But when there's far less to retreat from, channel use can look a serious waste of time and £.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 15-03-2021 06:18 by ShandyHand.)
15-03-2021 05:38
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #5250
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
How should we mark the first anniversary of the pandemic on here?

15-03-2021 06:28
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