RE: All Elite Wrestling discussion Thread
Dynamite was really good this week not one bad match on the show
match 1 Christian Cage vs. Frankie Kazarian
this match was a pleasure to watch, 2 ring generals really smashing it with a wonderful built match, wrestling at it best,
Cage looked amazing he took some big bumps with out issue and did some excellent moves, it was a ultra-competitive match both men looked stars, Frankie even hit his Flux Capacitor which he usually keeps back for the biggest matches, they worked so well together one of the best wrestling matches seen on aew, the ground work was a joy, 10 out of 10 couldn't fault it
match 2 Cody Rhodes vs. QT Marshall
the match was a nothing but the aftermatch was amazing it started then QT finally flipped out and punched Anderson out cold for no reason,
then his students Aaron Solow, Nick Comoroto and Anthony Ogogo betrayed The Nightmare Family, attacking Dustin Rhodes, The Gunn Club and Cody,
it was a great beat down and showed what the 3 could do, QT said it all happened after Lee didn't thank him after his first win, so happy i spotted that a couple of months back, great when you see a big story like this start, 8 out of 10
match 3 Jon Moxley vs. Cezar Bononi
this was a great showcase match for Mox as AEW continue to build him back to being a challenger for Kenny,
it did no harm to Cezar as he had his section beating on Mox before his comeback,
well booked 7 out of 10
next MJF's Gift to The Pinnacle
MJF was showing the Pinnacle all the stuff he was going to do like building them a new locker room, but when he opened the door to the bathroom inside where Chris Jericho, Santana, Ortiz and Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager was outside the other door stopping an escape, they beat the pinnacle in am amazing hard hitting assault making them look stars again and perfectly set up the match they will have next,
match 4 Six-Man Tag Team Match: Lucha Bros and Laredo Kid vs. Kenny Omega and Good Bros.
this match was total non stop action, i loved it, so many big moves was fun and exciting to watch, every one looked excellent with Kid standing out its a shame he cant sign for aew, after the match Mox came out with to new friends the Bucks , thank god they have finally left Kenny and we can get on with seeing the match, 9 out of 10
match 5 Tay Conti and Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose and Allie
this was a better match than i expected and was a lot of fun, it had issues the heel section all happened in the break that messed up the story, the star was Tay who was full of energy shes getting better every week which is why i didn't get the end where Bunny pinned her out of no where, 7 out of 10
main event Arcade Anarchy: Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy vs. Kip Sabian and Miro
for me this was one of the best main event aew has ever put on tv, it had everything and was perfect booking,
Miro looked a total bad ass star at last who could only be beat by 3 men, the spots where excellent fun and exciting,
Statlander made a surprise return to take out Ford, but the highlight was seeing Sue white minivan to pull up and Trent make his come back i popped lol,
they hit all there spots perfectly everyone looked great, the babyfaces got there long waited for win and now the best friends are back together its a good thing for aew, 10 out of 10 i loved it had a big smile on my face at the end
currently walking on the Sunny side of the street
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