I recall a few months ago, when on a streaming site.. seeing Olivia and Alice, looking like they were having a lively time!
I didn't have the £€$ or credit, to see anything directly below the waist, alas.
It did look like they might have been fisting each other, which isn't something I would have expected them to do, on camera, before then, alas.
I might well have been, far off the mark, nonetheless! It might have been as mild, rather than wild, as I would have expected.
Recordings did later appear on that site, but not showing anything that might not have been shown, in a soft porn film on an ordinary tv channel.
The recordings did later disappear from the site, puzzlingly!?
I did think the show might have been exclusive to that site. As I found nothing about it, on the BS site. But I later found ads on Olivia and Alice's Twitter pages.
Neither of them, are particular favourites of mine, but they don't turn me off, especially, either. If the action was as good as it seemed, I would have been happy to pay to see it.
Whilst I was typing much of this, one of the things I was distracted by, was some of tonight's BSX shows. Again, none of my favourites were on, when I was watching. However, Valentina can be quite lively. But, she wasn't on for very long, and the camera was more active. It was moving around, into angles that gave shots that were baffling.
On these channels, camera movement frequently puzzles me. When it would be better for the camera to be still, on a tripod, and movement left to the women in shot.
It's similar in too much porn, such as some Evil Angel scenes, where there are diagonal shots, often at crucial moments.
Eye level is where I would want the camera to be, when women are upright, seated or standing, with face to feet, in shot. But that doesn't happen often enough.
When women are lying on their stomach, as Ashley was earlier, the camera being slightly above eye level, angled so her back is in shot, was just the way I like it.
I have a thing about ladies' ensellures, which is where the lower back meets the buttocks. I also refer to it, more loosely, as lumbar line, and rump ramp.
However, Ashley was doing something which happens a lot, on BS and 66, often looking above the camera, rather than at it. SMH
I was also watching Ashley on pervcam, when she was off tv. It was much less disappointing, than when I watched her last October:
Ashley was lying on her back, playing with her kitty, of which there was a good view.
Also, she had her butt to camera, some of the time, with the full breadth of it, in shot, for a short time. In both positions, there were glimpses of her (*) in shot. Particularly, in the former position, ironically.
Although, watching live rewind of Ashley's time on 673, from just after midnight, in the position I described above, lying on her stomach, on the desk, in the study set, she had the pervecam behind her, and was knickerless.
So that was a missed opportunity, to see much more of what I saw on pervecam, than I saw when she was off tv!
The logical conclusion to draw, might be that at least, sometimes, it's better to watch TV, combined with pervecam, rather than either off-tv pervecam, or BSX!