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The Book of Boba Fett

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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #51
RE: The Book of Boba Fett
(09-02-2022 11:35 )KerrAvon Wrote:  For me this was like the finales of most Disney/Marvel series, a satisfactory boombastic set piece wrap up not quite matching the subtleties of the road getting there. ....

Your review is quite accurate but honestly who wants subtleties at this point?Tongue I thought this had just enough quiet moments tbh, whilst out marvelling Marvel quite splendidly!

I never liked the term bad ass. It's too American for my liking and often used to describe things in a narrative that are not really praiseworthy, but this finale of Fett was properly bad ass. And indeed that is the perfect descriptor for such a confident dose of storytelling and visual flair.

A rag tag loose alliance of misfits showdowning against a better equipped force of superior numbers is of course quintesential Star Wars. Whilst the usual gangster and western tropes, that we've come to expect of the Fareau shows, were blended in perfectly again - with a juicy dose of kaiju thrown in this time for extra spice (pardon the pun!Wink ). Many bravedo moments are pulled off with a requisite panache.

This really was the thinking man's zappity pow action-packed climax that fans had been hoping for I thought. My only question: Why can't us Brits make anything approaching this quality and style? My only hope (Big Grin): They can continue to grow the scope of these series along these lines and we can get stuff like this for years to come.

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09-02-2022 20:30
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southsidestu Offline
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Post: #52
RE: The Book of Boba Fett
That was one of the worst things I have ever seen on TV.

It was just a category 5 shitstorm of fan indulgence. Following on from last weeks terrible episode, where they cheapened the finale of season 2 of The Mandalorian by bringing back Luke & Grogu (even though that story arc had gone as far as it needed to) so they could recycle Empire Strikes Back, Grogu makes the painfully boring & predictable decision to return to The Mandalorian.

From then on its just a downward spiral: An over the top shoot fest, Krssantan seemingly killed only to be alive, The ridiculousness of the Rancor, Grogu using the force twice which was repetitive & predictable, Fennec Shand again cut out of most of the action only for couple of quckies & bringing back one of the best original characters & Star Wars villains from the Clone Wars for a minute of shock value in the penultimate episode then for him to die in a 30 sec fight with the classic villain is winning right up until the last moment where the hero pulls the old switcheroo. They didn't even develop their history it was just a briefly referenced in that fight.

Of course is Bane really dead who knows because then in the end credits scene Cobb Vanth is fucking alive because this series just doesn't want to deliver any real sense of negative emotion. Even when characters do die Like Luke, Obi Wan & Vader they essentially bring them back to life with more story time in past. Poor old Kuiil fom the first season is the only unlucky bastard in the entire fucking galaxy unfortunate enough to die and stay fucking dead.

The only thing that will save Season 3 of The Mandalorian will be for Grogu to turn to the dark side

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10-02-2022 00:35
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The Goatman Offline
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Post: #53
RE: The Book of Boba Fett
I thought it was okay but the way they killed off cad bane was a bit shit.. i mean he has survived battles and held his own against obi wan, anakin and ahsoka yet he got killed by an old guy with a staff, hopefully he is still alive.

I really thought we was gonna see grogu ride the rancor that would have been funny

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10-02-2022 12:46
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Goodfella3041 Offline
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Post: #54
RE: The Book of Boba Fett
Nope. Sorry.

I think the series started with a lot of promise, but it went off the boil in the last three episodes.

I agree with southsidestu that they’ve cheapened the end of Mandalorian S2, which was previously a highlight of the whole post-Disney Star Wars universe.

Grogu worked as a maguffin for the Mandalorian, but he’s shit as a character.

And I normally hate labouring plot holes, but this one really annoyed me: why did the bad guys send out half their army to die — which of course was gonna happen, because they apparently have worse aim than Stormtroopers — before they sent out their indestructible battle droids? It reminded me of that battle in Braveheart, when King Edward says, “don’t risk the horses, send in the Irish…”
10-02-2022 17:15
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skully Offline

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Post: #55
RE: The Book of Boba Fett
I bet the only reason they keep using Grogu, is because they like the money they make from all the crap they sell featuring him.
It's a character that I think ruins the shows, a boring ass muppet who makes a cool character a lame babysitter. Meh, I was happy he'd fucked off.

Oh and I much preferred the first few episodes of this show than the last, I'm a bit disappointed where they took it tbh. Oh well.

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10-02-2022 18:22
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Tumble_Drier Online
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Post: #56
RE: The Book of Boba Fett
Started well enough but tailed off a bit for the last few episodes. However it's still head & shoulders above most of the other shit on TV these days.

I had a bit of a chuckle when the Rancor was hanging off that building... It reminded me of this 80s Classic....Big Laugh

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10-02-2022 23:01
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