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Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)

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meisterlampe1989_2.0 Offline
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Post: #6511
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
Maybe it's just another "train delay". But I am really puhing my positivity now.
06-11-2023 22:20
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ManuelM Offline
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Post: #6512
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
(06-11-2023 22:20 )meisterlampe1989_2.0 Wrote:  Maybe it's just another "train delay". But I am really puhing my positivity now.

I think if that were the case, then they would show something else than Valerie re-runs.

I was REALLY looking forward to Dani. But no show tonight, it will be no show tomorrow, and then Lillian Will.
06-11-2023 22:36
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ManuelM Offline
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Post: #6513
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
But hey, why complain? Dani is on the schedule for the 13th again already.



I am disappointed on many levels.
06-11-2023 23:02
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meisterlampe1989_2.0 Offline
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Post: #6514
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
If she is not here tomorrow night, I highly doubt she really was supposed to appear in the first place.

I am starting to get the feeling they only put her on so that the schedule doesn't look too empty.

I think this is yet another disgrace, which opens my eyes yet again to the fact that they are not worth one second of my free time I am giving them.

It's really time to say goodbye. The problem is, I said that before and somehow I always came back... maybe I need therapy Big Grin
06-11-2023 23:07
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steviebaby Offline
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Post: #6515
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
yes we are all addictedBig Grin
06-11-2023 23:20
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jorrell Offline
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Post: #6516
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
(06-11-2023 23:07 )meisterlampe1989_2.0 Wrote:  If she is not here tomorrow night, I highly doubt she really was supposed to appear in the first place.

I am starting to get the feeling they only put her on so that the schedule doesn't look too empty.

I think this is yet another disgrace, which opens my eyes yet again to the fact that they are not worth one second of my free time I am giving them.

It's really time to say goodbye. The problem is, I said that before and somehow I always came back... maybe I need therapy Big Grin

you wrote exactly what I was going to comment. and yes they have been guilty of doing this many times before. I do believe she was never scheduled to be on, this was a mere coverup for the schedule to not look terrible.

As you say, if shes a no show tomorrow, theres only one culprit and it isnt the girl for cancelling now is it! A total and utter farse thse clowns!

Even more, to then post that she is back next monday is just a punch in the face at this point! I almost fell off my chair laughing when i saw that! Big Laugh

What a bunch of lying, cheating, scheming bastards!

I would have posted earlier when i saw valerie reruns right from the beginning, but i was waiting to see if my suspicions were confirmed, I guess at this point we all kinda expect it now dont we..

They even have audacity to leave dani as appearing for the next two days when the have the chance to remove it now, so once we get to tomorrow night, if shes not there, that just tells you exactly what you need to know... Just ignore the damn schedule permanently, its like a lucky dip, sometimes you win the prize and the girl you wanna see appears LIVE, and sometimes theres no-one there and its re-runs all evening!

See ya'll Friday IF Runa is actually there that is, who the hell knows... Huh
(This post was last modified: 06-11-2023 23:42 by jorrell.)
06-11-2023 23:25
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SYBORG666 Offline
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Post: #6517
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
Even the re-run is a joke as it seems to be the same 10mins on a loop. How the hell this channel is still going I don't know.

Raising Hell Since 1980.

As a man once said:
"Control yourself, your better alone"
"Control yourself, see who gives a fuck"
06-11-2023 23:40
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jorrell Offline
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Post: #6518
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
(06-11-2023 23:40 )SYBORG666 Wrote:  Even the re-run is a joke as it seems to be the same 10mins on a loop. How the hell this channel is still going I don't know.

hell. they may as well put teleshopping on at this point and make some cash off it, seeing as they wont make fuck all this week not giving us a LIVE show for 3 days Big Laugh

i dont know how they're still running either , how can you keep pumping money into a channel, paying for lighting, electric, models, camerman, producers etc and make a proift? its just beggers belief. perhaps the whole thing is just funded by some criminal enterprise were not privy to, it would explain the incompetence level and dont give a F**K attitude
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2023 14:52 by jorrell.)
06-11-2023 23:44
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ManuelM Offline
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Post: #6519
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
Now its official. Again no show tonight.
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2023 12:28 by ManuelM.)
07-11-2023 12:27
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jorrell Offline
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Post: #6520
RE: Babestation24 - Chat & Discussion (No Requests in this thread)
(07-11-2023 12:27 )ManuelM Wrote:  Now its official. Again no show tonight.

As suspected, now just 3 girls cover the next 7 days. Not that I believe ANYTHING that gets posted to the schedule anymore.. so the last few days we had Sunday, Monday & Tuesday with NO SHOW, then another no show for this Sunday again. 4 days of nothing in just over a week.

Yeah its dying on its arse now... the channel is on the edge barely scraping to hold on by its fingertips bladewave

I can just picture it, Runa & Charlene are on the broken wood floating in freezing water here watching the Titanic go down! If they bail at this point, its all over...
Big LaughBig Laugh
(This post was last modified: 07-11-2023 16:36 by jorrell.)
07-11-2023 14:51
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