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RE: Babestation Encrypted
(22-01-2024 07:49 )Mountain Box Wrote: (22-01-2024 01:26 )eskimo quinn Wrote: I thought I'd write about Sunday night even though there wasn't much to write about. Layla Rose couldn't make her tip goal, even though she only asked for 5 buzzes. I'm not sure what was going on with Maxie Rhoads, but she was over 4 minutes late and I couldn't hear what she said on the mic because they didn't turn the music down. Roxy Winters was quite saucy with a fun attitude and I'm being optimistic here and thinking that she'll do some very good shows in the future.
Schvall wrote that the disparity between Sun-Tues & Wed-Sat shows was getting bigger, the former getting worse & the latter better. Well on Friday & Saturday we had 2 very good girl/girl nights with no giggling or shouting, just plenty of pussy & pink. Friday was Zoe Gray & Mila Amora with MacKenzie Page & Elizabeth Romanova on Saturday. Sunday however we had no pussy at all. Now Layla was quite prepared to get her pussy out for most of her show but, as you say, she didn't manage to reach a seemingly do-able tip goal which was a surprise. Maxie on the other hand did her usual "point her pussy at the pervcam" show, presumably to reach a tip goal for a webcam show later in the evening. Roxy's 2nd BSX appearance, very much like her 1st, also seemed to be out to reach a tip goal for later on the web. Having said that her show was quite raunchy but still no pussy which is disappointing as I like her. I also hope that she'll deliver the goods very soon & not become a member of the "no pussy shows" club.
Yes I agree with you about last night's show and have to admit that I was disappointed but not completely surprised! Just so glad that I am a VIP member and don't keep "wasting " £9.00 each night!!!!!
22-01-2024 14:24 |
Mountain Box
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RE: Babestation Encrypted
(24-01-2024 00:07 )shaun blue Wrote: (23-01-2024 00:41 )woolleysheep Wrote: There isn't much to report from Monday, only that Bella Baby was easily the pick of the night.
Same report for Tuesday. Just replace Monday with Tuesday in the comment above.
True except that Bella Baby was on 1st this time. However I can't leave it at that. Bella's show was even better than Monday's. I'm running out of superlatives to describe her shows. I've used exquisite, excellent, stunning, gorgeous & amazing to name a few & Tuesday was all of those. Fully naked, except for hold ups, very early again, this time with the grey exercise ball to roll & bounce around on & again loads of spread legs pussy BUT an added bonus of oil all over that body of hers. What's next I ask? I can't wait to find out.
The other 2 girls were Layla Rose who fell short of tip goal for a 2nd time this week strangely, not helped by a non working mic, & Alice Goodwin who, from what I could gather, had tip goals for the web later.
24-01-2024 06:29 |