Highlighting/giving an example of I hour unproductive hour is purely a snapshot in time. Take a broader look, to get a more accurate assessment. What you can actually earn in day, week or month as many of us are paid. Look at the big picture.
Any punter who has every called will have experienced having to listen in to another caller, you may be in a queue of multiple callers, if you actually knew how many you would make the choice to hang up more readily. In these productive moments good money is being made.
Average UK annual salary is around 35K pre-tax. Figures for Cam Girls vary dependant on sources. 37K is one estimation, another give 21K -55K. There are many success stories, experienced cammers can earn 80K & some topping 100K. There will equally be many making much less.
Not all cam full time, some do it to supplement their wages, but turn to full-time camming if they can earn a better living.
It would be interesting to know how Babestation's roster of babes compare to the rest of the industry in terms of earnings. The brand is recognisable which must help a babes profile, does added exposure of being on tv increase that, it seems less important today.
Where Babestation pitches its prices for calls & cams is in-line with many equivalent cam sites, but there are cheaper. As a customer I have a fixed number of what I'm prepared to pay, many believe that is has always been overpriced. You make your own call on whether your getting value for money. Babestation could run the risk of losing customers by upping their prices.
The choice of a performer to utilize the freechat is on an individual basis, it's advantages are clear that it should encourage new customers & perhaps keep existing customers happy. It is not clearcut to say that time spent in free chat is wasted & all performers that use it sparingly or not at all are making money at that time when others are not. I suspect that in the beginning the performers that now shun the free once chat used it as a tool to enhance their reputation & can now discard it so to speak as it has served it's purpose.
I can speak for myself & other to say that I have performed tasks in the workplace that I have not been contracted to do, some menial, others beyond my paygrade, but I can see the bigger picture of advantages & rewards down the line.
As a side note, the vast discrepancy between what some babes are asking to reach identical tip-goals is something of a problem.
Furthermore, you see ludicrous tip-goals for doing something trivial such as blowing you a kiss

(I made that bit up as an OTT example) & at the other end of the scale, quite modest tip-goals set for doing extreme stuff with babes using toys in every orifice.

These are all babe dependant, whilst it would be difficult to come up with an industry set standard for various acts, it would be helpful as a guide to punters to protect them getting ripped-off. As it stands it is something of a free for all. The random nature of using these services can be something of a gamble. Far better to stick with a small select group of performers that you trust.
In summation, generally it appears that those in this line of work are doing ok, & in some cases more than ok. You make choices in the line of work you do & take the rough with the smooth. I haven't met anyone that doesn't believe that they should be paid more (sympathy goes out to NHS workers) , but by the same token I've have never come across anyone who admits to being overpaid.
"You can't always get what you want"
That is all for now...from a measured, thoughtful, incisive Boomer

(Clinging on, to his sense of humour)

..That rhymed