bookmarklet should replace broken imagechunk and lic.me images with hopefully still working lic.me thumbnails as a (disappointing) substitute.
like as before..
a bookmarklet is a bookmark in your browser that instead of going to a page will run a javascript function on the page you have open to temporarily modify it.
the below codebox has the bookmarklet as a very long single line of text. to use it:
1) select all the text in the codebox and then copy it (the text below
2) create a new bookmark in your browser and edit it
3) give the bookmark a meaningful name.. like
JS-imgchunkLicme_th or something
4) paste the bookmarklet text into the url field of your new bookmark
5) when you're on a page with broken imagechunk or lic.me images click on the bookmark and it should change them to thumbnail substitutes with a purple dotted border around them so you know which ones it tried to change.
javascript:{ var mypics=document.images; var mypictext=""; var mypictextdat=""; var mytextsplit = []; for (i=0; i<mypics.length; i++) { mytextsplit.length=0; mypictext=mypics[i].src; mypictextdat=mypics[i].getAttribute("data-original"); if (mypictext.indexOf("transp.gif") >= 0 && mypictextdat.indexOf("imagechunk") >= 0) mypictext=mypictextdat; if (mypictext.indexOf("transp.gif") >= 0 && mypictextdat.indexOf("lic.me") >= 0) mypictext=mypictextdat; if (mypictext.indexOf("imagechunk") >= 0 || mypictext.indexOf("lic.me") >=0) { mytextsplit=mypictext.split("/"); mypictext=mytextsplit[mytextsplit.length-1]; if (mypictext.indexOf("index.php") >= 0) { mytextsplit.length=0; mytextsplit=mypictext.split("="); mypictext=mytextsplit[mytextsplit.length-1]; } mypictext=mypictext.replace("imgchunk_", ""); mypictext=mypictext.replace("_thumb.", "."); mypics[i].src=("http://lic.me/thumbnails/"+ mypictext.charAt(0) +"/"+ mypictext.charAt(1) +"/"+ mypictext); mypics[i].style.border="#FF00FF 5px dotted"; } }};void(0);
below is a multi-line version of the bookmarklet if you want to check it for safety reasons:
var mypics=document.images;
var mypictext="";
var mypictextdat="";
var mytextsplit = [];
for (i=0; i<mypics.length; i++) {
if (mypictext.indexOf("transp.gif") >= 0 && mypictextdat.indexOf("imagechunk") >= 0) mypictext=mypictextdat;
if (mypictext.indexOf("transp.gif") >= 0 && mypictextdat.indexOf("lic.me") >= 0) mypictext=mypictextdat;
if (mypictext.indexOf("imagechunk") >= 0 || mypictext.indexOf("lic.me") >=0) {
if (mypictext.indexOf("index.php") >= 0) {
mypictext=mypictext.replace("imgchunk_", "");
mypictext=mypictext.replace("_thumb.", ".");
mypics[i].src=("http://lic.me/thumbnails/"+ mypictext.charAt(0) +"/"+ mypictext.charAt(1) +"/"+ mypictext);
mypics[i].style.border="#FF00FF 5px dotted";
lic.me seems to be degrading and losing thumbnails too or seem to be wrong images, but this will probably get worse over time as more disappear.
changes to a page aren't permanent. it just adjusts what you have open now.
modified from previous bookmarklet so should work on bshow, rpant and lshow forums and probably others.
(tested on chromium browser. should work on others)
don't trust every bookmarklet you find on the internet.
always check through the code yourself before you trust it.