Far be it for me to make suggestions for a site that others have done such a sterling job to create, but one did occur to me today…
The “most viewed” videos section is always interesting, but — for obvious reasons — it had become quite static. I suppose that’s inevitable, because if you are at the top of the “most viewed” rankings, you are likely to be viewed by more people, which keeps you at the top of the “most viewed” rankings. It is naturally self-reinforcing.
That said, in this case that phenomenon is accentuated by the fact that it has taken time to populate the site with nearly 100k videos (…still in awe that you’ve done that btw!). Videos that were uploaded early in the site’s gestation had a big head start on those that came later and it’s now hard to imagine a video ever overtaking the 3800 views clocked by Alice Goodwin.
Now that the site is (mostly) populated, would it make sense to “reset” the counter?
…Or, alternatively, could everyone just watch a lot more of the Emma C, Alexandra, and Teejay Walker videos, so that they’re all there waiting for me when I visit?