(03-03-2010 09:03 )laos_2003_uk Wrote: I've always wondered why, when the girls talk into the mic, they are always asking for men to shove their 'clocks' into their various orifices? Surely the rules on swearing can't be that strict?!
I watched 'Green Street' on ITV the other day, and they were throwing around more "fucks" and "muffins" then a porn movie! Yet every time the girls chat into the mic on these, supposedly, 18+ channels they are always toning down there language.
Could this also be the reason why the mics aren't allowed to be left on sometimes? I would probably watch these channels alot more if i could actually hear the girls and not just the dodgy music. I understand that the girls, sometimes, have their callers on loudspeaker and they probably don't want their grunting broadcast to the rest of us. But in the circumstances when the callers aren't on loudspeaker, i don't see why we shouldn't be able to hear the girls half of the conversation?!
Anyway, that's my semi-rant over. 
To be on the safe side Ofcom has more than one set of rules that can be used against shows they don't like. There's the Broadcast Code (obvious). If they can't get a show with that there's always the PhonePay rules. Last resort there's the advertising regulations.
PhonePay rules say you can't advertise premium rate phone services with sexually explicit content, and channels have been fined mega£ for doing that. Shows used to have babes using very graphic language until about 2006 or 2007 when - guess who - Ofcom - started using the PhonePay rules (formely known as ICTIS). I think some shows even broadcast both sides of 1-2-1 calls. Since then the language has been drastically toned down and silly euphemisms used.
Ironically using euphemisms like "clocks" and "tommy tanking" makes no difference to acceptability under the rules about so called Adult-Sex shows, protecting children and generally accepted standards, as Ofcom showed in Broadcast Bulletins 95 ('
“She’s looking for some mutual tommy tanking” (rhyming slang meaning masturbation)' - LiveXXXBabes in breech of rules 1.3, 1.24, 2.1 and 2.3) and 118 ('a voiceover periodically referred to
“mutual tommy-tanking”. ' - LiveXXXBabes again, found in breech of rules 2.1 and 2.3) and a Sanctions decision (fine) against SportXXX ('sexual activities shown were broadcast over a prolonged period and were accompanied by the following voiceover, which was transmitted intermittently:
“Our model on-screen is about to have a real live orgasm…..you can talk to her while ‘tommy tanking’ [i.e. rhyming slang for wanking] or just listen in on her call…you really don’t want to miss this, we are live and it is real.”'). No mention that the voiceover that referred to the 'live and real' show was itself pre-recorded and the most deadly dull passion-killer going.
Of course if Ofcom recognises euphemisms for what they really mean, they ought to be consistent and punish any channel showing Father Ted before 10pm ("feck") as well as some episodes of Fawlty Towers (remember the "Watery Twats" name plate?), and don't get me started on Catherine Tate's gran, in a show deliberately and cynically targetted at kids by - of all people - the BBC.