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The Thanks For Sharing Thread

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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #1
The Thanks For Sharing Thread
I'm going to do something unusual and own up to one of the greatest of internet crimes... leeching! That's right, I have almost nothing to contribute in a sharing sense, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to say thank you to the people who are good enough to post material for those of us with limited web access or overstrained credit cards to enjoy. To those who go to the trouble of capping and posting for those without one or the other of a freeview/Sky box. To those who hunt down links and pics when somebody asks or post technical advice when someone can't quite get to grips with a program or method of sharing. THANK YOU!

There are too many names to mention, so I won't for fear of offending someone by missing their name from the list, but you all know who you are. I know there's the rep system, but it's all to easy to get distracted and forget to big someone up and many don't use the rep system at all. (Yes lurkers, I'm looking at you!Big Grin) On behalf of the many leeches, lurkers and forgetful or ungrateful types, thank you.

There. Mawkish Sentimentality over. Hooray for Boobies!

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"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
10-01-2009 16:32
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skully Offline

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Post: #2
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
Excellent thread mate, couldn't agree more, my share thread has had more hits than a heavyweight boxer. Wink

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
10-01-2009 16:37
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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #3
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
skully Wrote:Excellent thread mate, couldn't agree more, my share thread has had more hits than a heavyweight boxer. Wink

This proves my point exactly, I haven't repped you and that thread has been running and getting updates from you for ages. 22 becomes 23 in a heartbeat.

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
10-01-2009 16:43
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skully Offline

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Post: #4
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
Thanks mate, repped you earlier for your contributions to our ever growing, excellent forum.

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
10-01-2009 16:49
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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #5
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
excellent idea for a thread mate i agree with your views Smile
10-01-2009 16:54
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Mister Gummidge Offline
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Post: #6
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
Well it needed saying. I'm usually scrupulous about thanks and attribution and I'm as guilty of it as anyone else. Once somebody has been around for a while you can sort of take for granted what they're doing and just grab what they post without saying thank you, or assume you've repped them when you haven't. And considering the amount of views for Skully's Thought I'd Share thread a rep of 22 is frankly shameful. Lots of people must be forgetting their manners, including me as it turned out!

"You say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I say that I tailor my jokes to the audience..."
10-01-2009 17:09
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #7
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
Good thread, some good comments.
10-01-2009 17:37
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BelfastBadBoy Away
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Post: #8
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
Yeah big thanx to the uploaders. Just as i see skullys name in here him alone has helped me top up my phone will some of those celebrity sex videos lol with the cheerleader being my favouriite wearing the nurse outfit
10-01-2009 18:08
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BristolRovers Offline
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Post: #9
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
Well said gummidge, some good points.

There are so many great posters on here you can just not name them.

But thanks to everyone who posts on here and thanks for sharing.
10-01-2009 18:26
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$h!ny h3lm3t Offline
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Post: #10
RE: The Thanks For Sharing Thread
Echo everything that's previously been said.
Thanks to everyone.

If your dying day is near, spend it with a can of beer.
When the angels start to call, make sure you`ve drunk it all.
11-01-2009 09:23
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