(20-04-2010 13:57 )vostok 1 Wrote: I hope I am wrong, as competition and variety always benefits the consumer.
I do predict this for the following reasons:
1) EPG Slots:
BlueBird are purchasing a number of them. Existing channels have decided to sell them. When you occupy the majority of EPG slots, you become the predominate presence.
2) Cash flow:
BlueBird has spent upwards of $15 million on building a vast library of porn productions. So it would seem that getting out their cheque book is not a problem. They seem focused on long term investment without the need to gain an immediate return.
3) Borrowed time:
One of the major players is on their final strike. Any further infraction could result in Ofcom pulling the plug on their operation and withdrawing their broadcast licence. I would assume that a company the size of BlueBird could quite easily purchase their EPG slots. The rumour is that BabeWorld is also selling up to BlueBird.
4) Talent:
It would seem that many performers want to head to BlueBird. I would guess that is because of further opportunity and higher pay. When pay is raised it puts pressure on other broadcasters to match it and in-turn affects their bottom line. So once again it boils down to economics.
So to summarise:
We are now witnessing a large conglomerate headed by a very successful and wealthy business man heading into an arena that is fragmented with the current broadcasters all scratching for a piece of the pie and trying to survive.
That's an interesting summary vostok...
The way I look at it is there's always a positive & negative to pretty much everything...
Bluebird entering the picture will potentially light a bunsen burner under the asses of those who have been set in their ways for too long, so that's a positive.
However, girls signing exclusive deals with Bluebird is only good for Bluebird. Anyone else wanting to potentially work with certain girls are clearly going to have a problem. Having said that, it's not difficult to see why Bluebird is an attractive proposition...
Here is a quote from one of the girls I contacted a couple of months back, who confirmed what I had long suspected about some of the current main channels:
"They work solely for the shows and don't dabble into anything else. But will always refer us to other people if we're looking for something. Some of the girls get annoyed by the fact they don't "push" us, but personally it shows that they are mainly interested in the product they provide. All the energy they have goes to maintaining a standard that consumers like. A much more efficient business strategy!"
Personally, I think it's a mistake for the main channels not to try and expand or at least experiment with different style projects. You can't stand still in business!
It will be interesting to see how things turn out...