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RE: Lori debut on Party Girls
no hex ur still a clown untill further notice
29-01-2009 23:49 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Lori debut on Party Girls
Hexit Wrote:thanks for that im a bit to pissed (drunk ) to put it so nicley... anyways im off to play with the wife, phalus catch ya another time and do yerself a favour leave them be. he will just spit yer words back at you and twist it into somthing its not m8. he aint worth the effort...
I'm gonna be all mature and civil and say thats bollocks lol. i didn't twist anything, thats all in your own head mate. I can't be bothered to put anymore effort into this, you are just gonna put me down rather than have a constructive debate and you'll just revise the history of what you said so you think you look like you're having the better conversation.
plus you just proved the people that have pm'd me saying its pointless debating with you cos you always have to have the last word so thanks!
Didn't you previously say you weren't criticising the girls or anything like that, but the company for doing it? now you're hitting out at lynsey personally? lol. brilliant mate. contradict yourself why don't ya!
Phallus, the first 3 or 4 pages were a running commentary and screen caps, that was the general idea for the thread, thats how it started out.
29-01-2009 23:50 |
Posts: 1,088
Joined: Aug 2008
RE: Lori debut on Party Girls
hex if lynsey wanted to go topless on pg she would have but she enver so get over it no her fault that the only way u get off is it have her or lori get topless
ur sad man
29-01-2009 23:55 |
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RE: Lori debut on Party Girls
plus whats the obsession with someone not going topless? you have no control over it, so what if some girls decide to go on PG and don't go topless. its nothing to get so worked up about!! just don't watch it if you don't like, or go look at porn online, or even your wifes tits! lol.
so what if lynsey advertised that, if she's sensible, she's slightly doing a nod to this whole debate as a joke, plus she's a tease, thats her job, do you have no imagination that you can't deal with a girl not getting her tits out?????
plus you keep banding me in with the people you say are just up the girls arses kissing, I'm not, i'm friendly, flirty and fun with them, but thats it, its the way that i am, so you're wrong to assume that.
30-01-2009 00:00 |
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RE: Lori debut on Party Girls
Lori said from the get go that she was staing covered up!!!!!! how was that raising expectations??????
plus all your posts were moaning about daytime girls not getting their tits out. THATS THE OBSESSION!!! lol. THATS WHAT YOUR POSTS SEEMED TO BE ABOUT!!
and again, not a bad business move!! as am guessing it was such a good response that they've asked her back!! if it was a bad business move, why would they do that???? do you actually see the logic there?
30-01-2009 00:16 |
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RE: Lori debut on Party Girls
lol exactly rjack! that was what i was trying to say from the first place. that and just cos they were going on PG doesn't mean they have to get them out.
30-01-2009 00:17 |
Posts: 452
Joined: Nov 2008
RE: Lori debut on Party Girls
shandyman Wrote:Phallus, the first 3 or 4 pages were a running commentary and screen caps, that was the general idea for the thread, thats how it started out.
Shandyman, if you read Post #32 of yours below, you will find that you gave an opinion which isn't strictly a running commentary on the show. Seemed to be a perfect cue for Hexit to voice his disappointment with the show that night and some girls not going topless. In my opinion, it's impossible to keep each thread to a strict theme, and anybody's free to give their opinions about the show that night wherever they like in this thread.
shandyman Wrote:perana68 Wrote:do you think Lori will stay on for the night and actually get 'em out? could be pulling a sickie off work tomorrow if she does!
i think she's there til 5.30, but i don't think she'd go topless. but she don't need to 
He who wears a bullet-proof vest cannot complain if he gets shot in the bollocks.
30-01-2009 00:20 |