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RE: me and my boobs
so did i Phallus
31-01-2009 02:12 |
Larissa Summers Luvin
Posts: 479
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31-01-2009 02:24 |
Larissa Summers Luvin
Posts: 479
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31-01-2009 02:28 |
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RE: me and my boobs
The problem with voting for 'stay real' (like I just did) is that, seeing as you sound like your mind is almost made up already, it only comes across as unhelpful and unsupportive. I'm sure you don't need us to tell you that the only reason some guys are laughing at your physique is cos they're assholes, not cos of you. We can only imagine the horrific state the world would be in if women acceded to male stupidity on a regular basis (or as it's otherwise known, Hollyoaks).
You seem healthy (from this distance), sexy and full of fun and attitude. I'd hate to see you potentially throw away your health or your look just to conform to a superfice that only serves to convince women that a chink in one's confidence can be cured with surgery. You didn't choose to be smaller-chested, just like I didn't choose to be disabled, but with self-belief a person can overcome their limitations (a little grandiose for a chat about 'boobies' but the moment felt right).
That said, I wish you all the best if you choose to go ahead with the procedure. Oh, and try to custard pie Jessica next time you're on with her, that would be awesome. Cheers.
31-01-2009 04:05 |
Master Poster
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RE: me and my boobs
Forum Style Wrote:The problem with voting for 'stay real' (like I just did) is that, seeing as you sound like your mind is almost made up already, it only comes across as unhelpful and unsupportive. I'm sure you don't need us to tell you that the only reason some guys are laughing at your physique is cos they're assholes, not cos of you. We can only imagine the horrific state the world would be in if women acceded to male stupidity on a regular basis (or as it's otherwise known, Hollyoaks).
You seem healthy (from this distance), sexy and full of fun and attitude. I'd hate to see you potentially throw away your health or your look just to conform to a superfice that only serves to convince women that a chink in one's confidence can be cured with surgery. You didn't choose to be smaller-chested, just like I didn't choose to be disabled, but with self-belief a person can overcome their limitations (a little grandiose for a chat about 'boobies' but the moment felt right).
That said, I wish you all the best if you choose to go ahead with the procedure. Oh, and try to custard pie Jessica next time you're on with her, that would be awesome. Cheers.
haha why custard pie her lmao!!!
BEWARE: mentally unhinged....approach with caution!
31-01-2009 04:58 |
Forum Style
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Posts: 4,117
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RE: me and my boobs
No reason (it's not a fetish thing). But it would be inkeeping with this weird 'bullying' vibe that you've got going on with Jessica. No one else seems to annoy her (in a good, funny way) like you do. Personal favs include the hard spanking you did last week (which she reciprocated) and when you sneakily spat water onto her cleavage. It's perfect when someone is that careful about their on-screen image that someone (like you) is keen to antagonise them so much. You are a legend already Summer.
31-01-2009 05:59 |
Posts: 1,773
Joined: Dec 2008
RE: me and my boobs
I have voted in the poll but it's just a bit of fun and the decision is obviously yours. Just to quote The Beautiful South for a moment '36d,36d,so what?...Is that all that you've got? You are a beautiful girl with an amazing personality,legs and ass to die for and the only model who posts on here with anything interesting and funny to say.I have seen lots of girls get boob jobs and it changes them.They become a bit more confident but they become all about their breasts and everything else they were seems to fade into the background. Just look at Bangbabes lots of plastic,almost no originality on screen!
You said yourself that everything you have achieved so far has been as you as natural as you are and you perhaps have the chance to work for the BBC as well in the future.
Girls get boob jobs to improve their career but that should not be confused with doing it for personal reasons.If you are doing it to make yourself happier,more content with who you are then that's OK.But to do it to further your career,which basically means you are changing your body because of someone else's opinion of you then I think that's wrong.
I think you are amazing as you are and will always be a fan,I wouldn't write this much for just anyone you know  !
The decision is yours!
31-01-2009 10:11 |