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Ofcom - Current Investigations

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ledders69 Offline
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Post: #121
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
(12-10-2010 10:53 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  think it might have been when danica did a dayshow and got her pet dog willy to join her on camera

Ofcom really are being paranoid nitwits about this.Smile


20-10-2010 23:31
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eccles Offline
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Post: #122
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
(12-10-2010 06:32 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Happy days, well no news in good news then, lets hope that we get more pissed off muslins complaining then about religious stuff then, keep the ofcom bastards busy for a change.

Todays news - you cant make this stuff up. Probably just as well he never saw Tom and Jerry or Road Runner BBC News
Quote:US man guilty of urging attack on South Park writers
Chesser, shown near the White House, promoted violence on his web site, prosecutors said A US man has pleaded guilty to supporting a Somali Islamist militant group and encouraging attacks on the writers of cartoon show South Park.
Prosecutors said Zachary Adam Chesser, 20, was outraged by the cartoon's perceived mockery of the prophet Muhammad.
Chesser sought twice to travel to Somalia to join al-Shabab, which the US designates as a terrorist group.
He tried to go all the way to Somalia because of a silly cartoon he did not like? Certain lack of proportion. There's probably a sensible point about censorshop to be found in there, somewhere, but theres also a risk of getting too serious.

Gone fishing
21-10-2010 21:36
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Krill Liberator Offline
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Post: #123
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
There's a whole ocean of material that the Yanks can provide us with regarding loss of perspective!Smile And that's not a slight against all Americans, just an acknowledgement of how many goofballs and cranks there are over there (well, four to five times as many people.)
However, Ofcom would have us believe that, in the USA, "they do things differently there".
To which I would reply "It's only a different time-ZONE, darling, not a different period in history". And then they'd accuse me of being silly, I'd call them something very rude and it'd all become most unsavoury.
You just can't talk to some people.

Missing key events. Talking bollocks. Making stuff up.
21-10-2010 22:24
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Gold Plated Pension Offline
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Post: #124
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
The complaints sheet is generally devoid of complaints against mainstream broadcasters, except the usual crap who always attract a lot of complaints but receive no action against them.

Report covers complaints received between: Tuesday 19 October 2010 to Monday 25 October 2010

The X Factor, ITV1 London, Saturday 16 October 2010: 15 complaints

The X Factor, ITV1 London, Saturday 23 October 2010: 47 complaints

Current Investigations
If Ofcom considers that a broadcast raises a potential breach against its codes, it will start an investigation.

Here is an alphabetical list of new investigations launched. This published list is updated weekly.

Up to 22 October 2010
Programme Channel Transmission Date Date Lodged
Bang Babes Tease Me Friday, 17 September 2010 22 September 2010

Bluebird TV Sport XXX Girls Friday, 10 September 2010 10 September 2010

So Ofcom in carrying out their investigation will just cut and paste their usual tripe about sexualised behaviour, not enough clothes worn, the wrong type of clothes, sexy music, tone of voice (presenter sounded asmatic#), adopting sex poses, suggestive smiling, licking of lips etc. Got to stop now as this is what we want to see, these ARE the expectations of persons viewing these channels not to see a fully clothed expressionless# presenter lying dormant for 8 hours with water music in the background, ffs.

#apologises to all persons suffering from this cronic condition and those who can't raise a smile.

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27-10-2010 17:56
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Rob169 Offline
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Post: #125
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
(27-10-2010 17:56 )Gold Plated Pension Wrote:  So Ofcom in carrying out their investigation will just cut and paste their usual tripe about sexualised behaviour, not enough clothes worn, the wrong type of clothes, sexy music, tone of voice (presenter sounded asmatic#), adopting sex poses, suggestive smiling, licking of lips etc. Got to stop now as this is what we want to see, these ARE the expectations of persons viewing these channels not to see a fully clothed expressionless# presenter lying dormant for 8 hours with water music in the background, ffs.

#apologises to all persons suffering from this cronic condition and those who can't raise a smile.

if it's suggestive licking of lips and sexy voices that get complaints how the f*ck is Nigela lawsen getting away with her cooking showslaugh (well i think they're about cookingbladewave)
27-10-2010 18:35
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mikeboob Offline
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Post: #126
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
(27-10-2010 18:35 )Rob169 Wrote:  if it's suggestive licking of lips and sexy voices that get complaints how the f*ck is Nigela lawsen getting away with her cooking showslaugh (well i think they're about cookingbladewave)

Indeed and could I suggest a line of complaint that we can make to OFCOM about Nigala Lawson - namely that she handles food in an inappropriate fashion while using a tone of voice and eye contact with the camera in a suggestive manner.

I wouldn't expect the complaint to be unheld (I'd be appalled if it was!)
but it might give the dopes something to ponder.
27-10-2010 20:55
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bobek Offline

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Post: #127
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
(27-10-2010 20:55 )mikeboob Wrote:  Indeed and could I suggest a line of complaint that we can make to OFCOM about Nigala Lawson

I have written a strongly worded letter to Ofcom about her, complaining that in a few years she will look like her Father and that is an image i don't want in my head, never mind on my TV.
(This post was last modified: 27-10-2010 21:37 by bobek.)
27-10-2010 21:37
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Gold Plated Pension Offline
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Post: #128
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
Latest complaints being investigated by Ofcom against the daytime shows. This could be the end of minimal c-thru clothing and tit tape if these broadcasters roll over like Elite.

Up to 29 October 2010

Programme Channel Transmission Date Date Lodged

Bluebird TV Essex Babes Thursday, 16 September 2010 28 September 2010

Bluebird TV Essex Babes Monday, 27 September 2010 28 September 2010

Live 960 Live 960 Sunday, 26 September 2010 29 September 2010

The Pad Tease Me Wednesday, 13 October 2010 13 October 2010

The Pad Tease Me Thursday, 14 October 2010 15 October 2010

The Pad Tease Me Tuesday, 19 October 2010 20 October 2010

The Pad Tease Me Friday, 22 October 2010 25 October 2010

The Pad Tease Me TV2 Tuesday, 19 October 2010 20 October 2010

Lets hope they come out fighting.

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04-11-2010 18:34
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #129
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
What a load of fuckin bulllshit these complaints are, exactly who the fuck is lodging all these complaints anyway. I think its ridiculous in the first place that these channels have to follow a watershed rule especially as they are in the adult epg section on sky and if anybody who doesn't like them doesn't know by now how to switch them off away from young eyes then they are a fuckin idiot. So a women flashs a tiitty by accident during the day so whats the big fuckin deal anyway, I don't understand how that can be deemed unacceptable I mean its not like shes down on all fours getting a right good fuckin rodgering now is it. As stated above if you don't like the adult channels then switch the fuckin things off and shut the fuck up and start to worry about real Issues such as how you're going to pay off your fucking bills. Rant over!!!!!!!
04-11-2010 19:17
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #130
RE: Ofcom - Current Investigations
To me, these complaints are coming from rival channels, or the rare person who's on a moral highground who thinks that they can decide what the entire country can watch. The channels have a watershed, AND repeat warnings that the content is 18 rated, which is more than enough. The rare person who complains about these channels, is probably very similar to some of the people in charge at Offcom. Like I've said before, I respect the views of everyone, but that doesn't give them the right to decide what we can watch. They obviously have no problem with graphic violence being shown on TV, do they? Do the people who disagree with our views think that a nude female body is something to hide, or that it's something disgusting and obscene? I'd like to hear what their views are on a natural, normal body being shown on the adult channels after the watershed. Is a vagina really considered more than 18 rated? Really? That's basically telling the callers that they can engage is sexual dialogue with swear words, and see quite a bit of sexual content, but that they aren't old enough to see a normal body part like a vagina. Please, tell us, what is the right age to see a vagina on TV? Rolleyes This isn't about what we want to see to turn us on, this about the demonizing of a body part, which shouldn't happen, especially not on an adult channel, late at night. Sad.
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2010 20:09 by mrmann.)
04-11-2010 19:57
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