RE: Matt winning X Factor
I loved Matt's audition performance, and found it to be better than the original version of it! Unfortunately, I only liked two of Matt's later songs, and thought the other ones were a bit weak and strained. This includes some of his songs before his tonsilectomy. He only seems to be able to go high with his voice, but I do think he has it in him to do great work.
Rebecca has a terrific voice, elegant face and personality, but during most of her performances, I felt like she could have used a Red Bull or two, because her nerves were getting to her. Like they said, in a recording studio she will be outstanding, but she'll need to overcome her nerves if she's doing an actual show. A real class act!
Cher was my favorite, not necessarily because of her personality (Heard the rumors of her bad attitude), but because she could do rap and actually sing at the same time! Her non rap songs were great, and showed her vocal range, which made me believe that she would be the most successful out of all of them. She could sell the rap records, and non rap ones, and would make a lot of money from it, and plus, she had the most presence out of everyone I thought. Perhaps her attitude (I didn't notice too much of it) and rap style has alientated many people, but I still wanted her to win, though it doesn't really matter anyway.
One Direction is not my cup of tea at all. Nice bunch of guys I think, and they are definitely not shite, but come on, another boy band? Bleh. They will get something out of this for sure, and I'm sure the two best singers will do OK.
Mary Byrne was one of my favorites, because while I don't make an effort to listen to her kind of music, I do have a great appreciation for it, and she sang beautifully! I also don't think she had the right style to sell enough music and appeal to enough people, but she did a hell of a job, and I could imagine her singing a new Bond song! She's gonna do OK after this I think.
Mary, Rebecca and Cher were the most flawless to me with their voices, despite Rebecca's nerves and Cher getting the occasional rap song that didn't do her voice justice. Mary had one or two songs that weren't great songs, and had a slightly off spot at times, but sang almost everything perfectly.
All in all, it doesn't really matter, as anyone in the remaining five, or even six, is still going to get something out of this and make some money. Mary was in fifth, and she's already got a one million pound deal with somebody, as well as a CD almost out, and just being on the show in the first place gives you enough notoriety to at least get a few phone calls from someone.