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RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
(14-02-2011 16:43 )babestation Wrote: there are a number of us who post on this account.
Is this allowed? Although it's been blatantly obvious for some time.
Next time there is someone i want to watch on a live show I will spend five pounds to test your theory. By the way, as i've said before i have paid for the live shows 20+ times so i think i'm aware of what is advertised as live etc. And I had already taken your advice not to watch if unhappy with the content. Also as i've said before the live shows up to the taming down were for the most part good value certainly worth a fiver when combined with the other scenes eg tina and ree, lolly, camilla and michelle.
would all those wishing to take part in today's round of multiple username bingo please note emails must be submitted before 5pm
14-02-2011 17:54 |
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RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
(14-02-2011 17:52 )babestation Wrote: Noone asked you to pay another £5 and then not to watch, I just assumed as you are so sure that our shows aren't live, you wouldn't be watching again and therefore not paying £5 again.
So hang on, now your issue is that the show might be delayed by a few seconds and therefore isn't live? You've changed your tune quickly.
Our shows are live, if you believe that, great we hope you continue to enjoy it. If you refuse to believe it, don't pay the £5 to watch them again.. it's simple
I think you may find that I do not change my tune and you still have not answered the question. Delay or no delay,no delay means live! Delay means not. Which one?
14-02-2011 18:18 |
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RE: Babestation XTREME discussion
(14-02-2011 18:18 )nailpouchofmine Wrote: I think you may find that I do not change my tune and you still have not answered the question. Delay or no delay,no delay means live! Delay means not. Which one?
I've just asked the men that know, and it's completely live, as it happens. They're just careful not to show certain things.
I honestly don't understand this facination with who we are that post on here, or these conspiracy theory-like accusations, like we're trying to somehow stitch people up and aren't being honest. I don't see what we would get out of lying to you about the live shows.
They're 100% live, as it happens, honestly, trufully, guaranteed. As far as I'm concerned that's the end of it, believe what you want, I'll say no more about it.
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15-02-2011 12:21 |
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RE: [split] On Babestation Xtreme tonight
(15-02-2011 19:16 )cwpussylover Wrote: has reede ever done 1 of ur toilet vids? id luv to see her open her flaps up and let a big golden stream of hot piss out
In your dreams buddy 
No golden streams shown on this channel.
Of late [since Early December] no holding `piss faps open either`
Even all the early really good shows are edited to death for some reason
16-02-2011 00:19 |
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Does BabeStation Xtreme have music?
First post here, hello everyone.
Does it have some daft bloody music playing instead of actual sound? That's what happened with Paulraymondtv (now Top Shelf TV, I believe) - there was this one scene with Theo where it started off with her talking - very dirtily - only for music to be played over the rest of the scene! If BabeStation Xtreme does the same thing, I'll save my £5. I was going to watch tonight via SMS, but T Mobile's sodding content blocker needs to be turned off - and I couldn't do it automatically over the phone for 'technical problems' bla bla.
One other question regarding content - I've heard people say it's not that 'hard' - that doesn't bother me - as long as the girls take everything off and 'do the business' with plenty of eye contact - do they?
Now PaulRaymond has become Top Shelf TV, do they still play music over the scenes?
Edit: Is it mostly solo/girl girl stuff, or is there a lot of boy/girl as well?
16-02-2011 00:52 |
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RE: Does BabeStation Xtreme have music?
(16-02-2011 02:26 )nailpouchofmine Wrote: If you go through some of the earlier posts you may find the answers you are looking for,but a quick reply to your question is...no it is not hard 
Ordinarily, I would - but there are 142 pages - haven't you got an answer to some of my other questions? As I said, I'm not too fussed if it's not that hard (as long as it's comparable to Top Shelf TV - any softer than that and what's the point?) as long as there's lots of eye contact and no damn music playing over the scenes.  Are there a lot of solo scenes? Or is it an even mix of g/g and solo?
Edit: I did a quick search about 'music' in this thread, but didn't turn up anything that answered my question.
(17-07-2010 22:46 )Simon M Wrote: I shall be watching BS Xtreme for the first time tonight. Have only watched Babestation so far and have rung in a couple of times and I've decided to watch Xtreme as I'm home alone.
P.S I am right in thinking it is just a case of texting the number for your PIN and the £5 will be charged on your mobile??
As long as you haven't got a content blocker on your phone (T Mobile has it on by default). I wanted to watch tonight, but the automatic unblocking method wasn't working... of course.
Speaking of which, if you unblock content on your phone, do you get bombarded with 'marketing material'?
16-02-2011 03:08 |