During one of those rare moments in a Danica show when she wasn't doing anything

I scanned the other channels last night and didn't stop long on anything in particular except to note that other girls were pretty much doing what they normally do. No knickers off trapeze acts, no double back flips through burning hoops. I was frankly disappointed.
When I returned to Elite there was Danica's arse filling the screen as she squeezed her boobs and mouthed 'shove your big cock in my pussy!' I got up and made a cup of tea.
When I returned to my chair and switched to the other Elite channel, Ashley Emma was laid on her front wiggling her bum. Never seen that before I thought, has she been watching Dionne Daniels or something, surely that move is patented?
I returned to Danica who was busy adjusting the g string from her bum .......several times and opened her legs and started grinding and grinding and grinding. Bag of crisps I thought, damn only Cheese and Onion left.
I started surfing again and Lori was pulling faces and talking UP and down with EMPHASIS in all the WRONG places then suddenly POW! She was literally bouncing around and up and down and I imagined being there. But no, where do I shove my dick as the targets moving and moving and up and around and shit I give up this is like playing fucking darts and I need a bullseye to finish! Cashews, I need cashews.
A quick surf again, Reede looks good and doing the usual stuff, some blonde is naked and gyrating but lets be honest it's like that beach in Majorca where all the hot Spanish girls keep 'em covered up and the German shot putter (who barged you into the croissants head first at breakfast at the hotel) can't wait to get her tits out and insists on lying opposite you naked with legs wide open. God, cashews play havoc with my digestion.
9 1 4 enter. Lori has Danica's knickers down now and this looks good, yeah, very good. Lori has her nipples on Danica's arse and .......what a lovely logo. Very good logo. Never noticed before the lovely gold lettering on a red background.
Good as the logo is, I'll try the other channels. Georgie, tits out wiggling her crotch at the camera, Stevie stood up arse to camera tits against the wall and jiggling a bit, Reede still looking good, naked and doing what she always does, some babe is jiggling 2 large sacks while imagining the 7th full English of the week is only a matter of hours away now and there she is again, Ashley Emma.....looking cute, lying on her front, jiggling her bum. Who would have thought it? Click. Damn, she's gone. It's just Lori now. Just as it was getting interesting.

When is Sammie on next?
(15-02-2011 21:26 )tikkkamikka Wrote: What is chronic arthritis?
A debilitating condition leading to restricted movement. Some of the guys on here suffer from something similar, phallic arthritis.
(15-02-2011 20:11 )unparalleled Wrote: Anyone remember the early days of Danica where she was always in search of something in her pants?
Agreed but currently not possible.
(15-02-2011 01:02 )Chilly Wrote: Blimey! That was the best 2-4-1 I've seen Danica involved in since her 2-4-1 with Caty. Massive credit to Lori, though. Just a shame it only went on for 30 minutes, also, I didn't think the guys switching to the Elite TV logo graphic was necessary. Notice how Danica mentioned her previous 2-4-1 shows with Caty and Dionne, but not with Sophia? Poor Sophia, she really is out of favour at the moment. 
How many times as she said 'and over on 965 there's the gorgeous Dionne' and it's been Mica or Paige or someone? I think Danica just breezes in from up North and disappears home again. Like Lori said, I've only ever said 'Hello' to Danica before. That's because she just buggers off!
(14-02-2011 22:28 )Rammyrascal Wrote: (14-02-2011 22:11 )Chilly Wrote: Danica sitting on the sofa for two hours, followed by a lame 2-4-1 with either Ashley or Lori it is. 
spot on chilly

I'm not sure about the new militant Rammy. It makes me uneasy somehow. As though something horrible is going to happen. All is not well with the world. Where is Sammie Pennington when you need her?