(18-02-2011 11:14 )TwistedChaz Wrote: The black boxes will be gone with the new graphics system.
Not according to 'babestation':
(17-02-2011 17:50 )babestation Wrote: the new system would have black boxes because if we don't spend the time building the necessary promotional tools to allow promotion in a controlled, designed manner, the producers will take it upon themselves to overlay black boxes, as they do at the moment.
(18-02-2011 11:14 )TwistedChaz Wrote: It's probably best to note that moaning constantly and giving constructive criticism are very different things. I read this thread often, as I want to make the new system good for both parties.
If you read this thread you will know that I have posted constructive criticism and offered suggestions for resolving the situation. These are generally ignored or at best receive smart-arse replies that ignore the points I try to make. True, I've also made some fairly disparaging posts, but only out of frustration at the way I'm treated when I try to be reasonable.
(18-02-2011 11:14 )TwistedChaz Wrote: And my authority, well maybe you should back track and once again read what Babestation has written. (thanks skateguy)
When I clicked 'babestation's link I expected to find something relevant to the new graphics. All I saw was a long list of unintelligible Twitter messages, none of which so much as mentioned Babestation. I didn't notice your note about working for Babestation until Skate re-posted the link (you'll notice I thanked his post).
(18-02-2011 11:43 )The Armada Wrote: I get that you hate the black boxes, as many of us do, but before you go calling the producers morons and so on you should try and remember that their primary goal is to make money. In that respect we are no different from any (non-BBC) TV channel. If we don't make money, we disappear. You should also realise that most of you guys on here are actually a very, very small minority of the audience of the babe channels, and while we (and I'm sure every company) appreciates any of your business and all of your support greatly, how you watch the shows every night and follow the girls etc, you are an abnormality compared to the vast majority of viewers who just switch over for 5 or 10 minutes.
Just because we're only a very small proportion of the show's total audience doesn't mean the rest don't share our opinions.
I don't believe for an instant that the majority only watch for 5 or 10 minutes – what would be the point? Where is the evidence to support this assertion?
And why should we not comment on the producers' inability to avoid obstructing our view of the girls? If they can't do that simple thing they shouldn't be in the job.
(18-02-2011 11:43 )The Armada Wrote: Unfortunately (for you guys) the producers have to hammer home sales at many points, using as many methods as possible (be it on the mics, voice overs, the dreaded black boxes or whatever) in order to try and make money from these kind of channel hoppers. These people might not pay too much attention to the main graphic, but will see some fugly black box and take notice.
I think you're making a serious mistake if you believe that anyone who is so disinterested that they just peek in for a couple of minutes is going to be remotely inclined to either call the show or buy any of its other products or services.
In any case, none of the other channels feel the need for this sledgehammer approach to marketing, so why should Babestation be any different?
(18-02-2011 11:43 )The Armada Wrote: I know to you guys that won't make it better, and I'm not trying to take away from the numerous problems such as camera positioning and things that will understandably be quite annoying to someone who sits and watches the show for an hour or more at a time, but to try and suggest they serve no purpose is a bit ridiculous, because if they didn't then they wouldn't be used would they?
I believe we're all intelligent enough to know what their purpose is. What we're trying to tell you is that, far from achieving that purpose, they're actually having the opposite effect. (Yes, I've read the claims about increased sales but, as I've said previously, that would be happening anyway with the ever-increasing digital audience and you have no way of telling the difference.)
(18-02-2011 11:43 )The Armada Wrote: And yes we complain about some of the problems with framing and advertising the same thing twice and things as well, and it's why we're trying to give better promotional tools in the new graphics system we are introducing. But unfortunately for now the guys have to work with what they've got, and although they're far from perfect they do a far better job than any of you seem to imagine
We don't need to imagine anything – the mess they make is on our screens for all to see every night.
As for framing, how can that possibly present a problem? If the cameramen know where the black boxes are (as they should do) all they have to do is keep the girl's image away from that part of the screen. Simple. A 5-year-old child could do it.
A little while ago Annie was on BSXtra and was perfectly framed in the free area to the right of the black boxes. What did the cameraman do? He zoomed in so that her rear end disappeared behind the black boxes.
And it would be a lot easier if they didn't insist on zooming in so damned close all the time. Bits of the girls don't just disappear behind the boxes, they get chopped off at the edges of the screen too.
(18-02-2011 15:49 )TwistedChaz Wrote: Good question, why is the text so large etc. Maybe you should talk to Barry Scott about his advertising methods http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1NE9Sgoa2I
Dumb comparison – the text in those ads isn't obstructing anything else, least of all the one thing that viewers tune in to see. I wouldn't have thought it sensible to quote in your defence one of the worst and most annoying ad campaigns ever seen on UK tv.
(18-02-2011 16:43 )TwistedChaz Wrote: And the other channels should thank us for that 
The fact that your current methods are driving customers to other channels and thereby losing money you might otherwise earn shouldn't be a laughing matter for you.