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Babeshows Respect Campaign

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Josh Offline
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Post: #41
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
good idea for a thread., controversial issue. i agree with a lot of the posts. but ur not goin to change the mindset of the members who go from thread to thread slagging the girls off. Defending/being nice is seen to be ass kissing as shandyman has said. For me, i used to use this site to post a lot of vids and chat in the chatroom with other members. had sum laughs with the guys and sum with the girls. shud b sum respect and shud work both ways. having an opinion is one thing, that is what the forum is for. Would be a boring world if we all had the same likes and dislikes. Although being rude and disrespecful is completely wrong. treat others how u expect to be treated urself. simple, but never going to happen on here. Time to watch Anna.

(This post was last modified: 25-02-2009 03:12 by Josh.)
24-02-2009 23:29
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Red Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
Mr G as always is the epitome of good manners whilst getting right to the point. Trust me Mr G when I go on a ramble, which is often, they are way longer than yours Big Grin

I'll bow to Mr G's opinion on this as I'm way to close to some of the ladies on here for a completely unbiased opinion. Take it as read though I always speak my mind and don't kiss ass. It is just a coincidence that my opinions follow some of the ladies on here. That and the drugs they forced me to take Wink

Having said that I will not stand for anyone I know being slated unfairly and I'll even occasionally chip in one way or the other on other threads if I feel the thread worthy of merit and not just a troll causing trouble.

Would I want this to become a babe worship forum. Hell no if I wanted a nanny forum I can think of another I could visit where opinions contrasting to the forum moderators are deleted whether valid points or not. Opinions are important, but so is a modicum of civility

I don't even know who I am so you'll forgive me if I ask 'Who the f**k do you think you are?!'
25-02-2009 01:09
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oopnorth Offline
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Post: #43
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
It's a bit disappointing that a thread asking for people to be respectful of one another has had to be created in the first place, but I suppose the question is, is respect automatically given, or is it earned. Personally, each post I read, the person, whether it is a regular member or one of the girls, and their opinion have my respect, unless they are obviously and explicitly attacking another member.

I would also like to say that I am a massive fan of the right to free speech, but on the other side of the same coin, I'm also an advocate of self censorship, meaning that no one is forcing me to tone down what I want to say, I am toning down what i'm saying out of respect for other people's feelings.
25-02-2009 02:52
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rumbletum Offline
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Post: #44
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
I too agree with a lot of what has been said. In my opinion respect should be automatically given to any person until they are deemed unworthy. There are, however, a few points that should be thought about:-

1. Free speech is paramount to any forum but "free speech" is a very convoluted term. Does "free speech" entitle you to harass or abuse someone simply for not thinking the same way as you? I don't think so but everyone has their own opinion.

2. The "Babes" who are supposedly feeling negative about interacting with this forum should wake up. They are in a job where they get to interact with a lot of seedy people. It is the nature of their profession. they chose to be in this profession and as a result need to develop a thicker skin. If they are seriously that offended by some of the criticism on here then they should seriously think about wether they want to be in this profession.

3. Certain "Babes" (who shall remain nameless) are being just as negative and disrespectful with their own comments. We shouldn't just aim this topic at the "members". I have read many comments from two "babes" that are, quite frankly, just as bad as any others.

4. This forum should never be allowed to turn into a lovey-dovey forum. People should be allowed to say something negative about someone if they want to. So long as it doesn't contravene forum rules (such as racism or homophobia etc) then there really shouldn't be a problem. At the end of the day hardly any of us really know each other so it really shouldn't matter what other people think or say about you.

Sorry for being so long-winded but I had to have my say as well.

Lighten up people and have fun Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Remember folks .... It's better to burn out than to fade away...
25-02-2009 11:20
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Sylar Offline
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Post: #45
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
rumbletum Wrote:I too agree with a lot of what has been said. In my opinion respect should be automatically given to any person until they are deemed unworthy. There are, however, a few points that should be thought about:-

1. Free speech is paramount to any forum but "free speech" is a very convoluted term. Does "free speech" entitle you to harass or abuse someone simply for not thinking the same way as you? I don't think so but everyone has their own opinion.

2. The "Babes" who are supposedly feeling negative about interacting with this forum should wake up. They are in a job where they get to interact with a lot of seedy people. It is the nature of their profession. they chose to be in this profession and as a result need to develop a thicker skin. If they are seriously that offended by some of the criticism on here then they should seriously think about wether they want to be in this profession.

3. Certain "Babes" (who shall remain nameless) are being just as negative and disrespectful with their own comments. We shouldn't just aim this topic at the "members". I have read many comments from two "babes" that are, quite frankly, just as bad as any others.

4. This forum should never be allowed to turn into a lovey-dovey forum. People should be allowed to say something negative about someone if they want to. So long as it doesn't contravene forum rules (such as racism or homophobia etc) then there really shouldn't be a problem. At the end of the day hardly any of us really know each other so it really shouldn't matter what other people think or say about you.

Sorry for being so long-winded but I had to have my say as well.

Lighten up people and have fun Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I agree mate. I didn't intend the original post to sound 'kiss ass'. Apologies if it did.

I was just trying to get the point across that some of the discussions have turned quite negative and on occasions, crossed the line slightly IMO. Its to the benefit of the forum that we keep it as good-natured and friendly an atmosphere as possible, so that people want to keep coming back.

As I say, everybody is entitled to their opinion (I disagree with a lot of things that people write!), but we all know that there are ways of getting your points across and it doesn't need to get abusive or personal.

Common respect should be a given between all members but it doesn't seem to always be that way.
25-02-2009 12:03
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #46
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
a couple of the girls come on here for nothing more than just a laugh, but most only come here to see what content has been posted, tell you when there on, or advertise there sites,.

well thats all well and good, but some of the guys actualy think because the girls stay for a few mins and chat that they are actualy building a friendship with em. sorry to say on the most part there not!,. especialy with the girls that advertise. the reason there talking to you isnt because they want to, its because your a potential customer and they are salesmen/women selling you a product.

this is where the problem is with these guys they have taken the addige of "keeping the customer sweet" as friendship, its not guys its a sales tactic.

so while i agree with the sentiment of the topic, i feel that the only real problem on the site is the knight in shining armour complex that some guys have towards some of the girls,.
i have leveled critacism at some girls in the past but never been abusive, well apart from 1s, but she gave it first so i gave it back, other than that most have eather ignored me or taken the time to reply in a civil manner,. yet some of the guys have acted like i have just smacked there granny and that just aint on.

so all im realy saying is if the girls dont take offence, then neither should the guys that constantly have the need to defend them. if the critics arnt outright nasty and abusive then just agree to dissgree rather than geting into a personal flame war.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 27-02-2009 09:13 by HEX!T.)
27-02-2009 08:59
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DrGrumpyPants Away
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Post: #47
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
But its amazing thats its Usally only 4 people of the total membership that seem to start the aggro.

one of which admits he never watches daytime shows yet still comments thats like me saying i never watch nightime shows and then going in the nightime threads calling all of the nighttime girls Whores.

if u dont like a girl!!! the answer is simple keep out of their threads let us sick in the head loners as you seem to think we all are alone to enjoy the girls in peace !! we dont need protecting from ourselves or the community
(This post was last modified: 27-02-2009 10:07 by DrGrumpyPants.)
27-02-2009 09:57
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HEX!T Away

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Post: #48
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
its not a question of likes or dislikes, its the fact that some members have the right to tell others to stay out of threads and in saying that there not respecting a members right to express him/herself. we all come here to get content, have a laugh, or bitch, and as long as the posts are within forum rules ie: not being abusive to members. then every 1 should be able to go into any thread and say what they want to/ need to, without being jumped on by that girls fanboi's.

if a member disslikes what has been said by another member about them personaly then let them answer for themselfs its not my place to answer for them as the comment isnt directed at me, and thats where some members are making a mistake. fair enough say you dont agree or your not happy with the post that was made, but going on a personal crusade carrying then argument on through multiple threads just isnt on.

for instance, cherry rider posted a pic of misspiggy in another thread, i posted that i thaught it was unfair. we pm'd each other 2 messages and gave our reasons. there was no more bitching or moaning about it and the girl whom the jibe was aimed at took it on the chin and gave him it back. there was no wap war, because we didnt resort to slaging eachother off.

if aember dissagree's then il argue my point till you eather change my mind, i change yours or agree to dissagree. but it still dosent stand that some members think they have the right to tell me or any 1 else to stay out of a topic.

Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.

Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 27-02-2009 11:38 by HEX!T.)
27-02-2009 10:53
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Shandy Offline

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Post: #49
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
As for Karl saying about staying out of threads if you don't like a girl, its cos some of us have noticed that some people go into a topic with the intention of causing a ruckus, or just to constantly slate one of the girls rather than sharing their opinon in a constructive way, like in the paige thread, it was alot of unsubstantiated comments and just rudeness, then when Paige came on to tell us her side, she just got treated like crap, someone implied her to be lying and it was just wrong. That thread got closed then another thread about someone else got turned into a Paige bashing thread. Thats what has p8ssed some of us off.

To be honest, if any member, being one of the girls or just one of us, got treated that way, i would jump in and say its not right, cos i'm a good guy at heart and i don't like people getting jumped on.
(This post was last modified: 27-02-2009 20:14 by Shandy.)
27-02-2009 12:18
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Sm© Away

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Post: #50
RE: Babeshows Respect Campaign
Calm down guys! This thread was cleaned up last night. I dont want to go through the whole process again later.
27-02-2009 12:32
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