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RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
While I still blame Ofcom for most of this, the above poster is right, in that it seems as if some of the women just don't want to do much besides sit. Also, I've noticed that even with calls, that they still don't do much in terms of positions, which is odd.
I didn't watch any of Alexis on Saturday, but the 2-4-1 last night was very tame, and she only went topless. Why have a porn star on if they can't go fully nude? Doesn't make any sense. Tori Black did go nude, so maybe Alexis's schedule was just bad timing, or the producer's were nervous about Ofcom, and made her give a tame show.
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2011 15:21 by mrmann.)
02-05-2011 15:11 |
mr mystery
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RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
It's not just static girls that are to blame for for dull shows , the production and camera work all play there part in whether shows are dull or not and i am not just talking about Elite here but all the channels , even static girls can be made to look good with good intelligent camera work ie use 2 different cameras with different angles of the girl being shown giving the impression the girls is moving if she is in the same position for long periods and also good hand held POV camera work enhances the girls performances if they are a little static , i also agree that sometimes the Ofcom card is used as a excuse when channels are a little tame .
Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
02-05-2011 15:32 |
mr mystery
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Posts: 5,798
Joined: Sep 2009
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion
It's not just static girls that are to blame for for dull shows , the production and camera work all play there part in whether shows are dull or not and i am not just talking about Elite here but all the channels , even static girls can be made to look good with good intelligent camera work ie use 2 different cameras with different angles of the girl being shown giving the impression the girls is moving if she is in the same position for long periods and also good hand held POV camera work enhances the girls performances if they are a little static , i also agree that sometimes the Ofcom card is used as a excuse when channels are a little tame .
Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
02-05-2011 15:32 |