formerlly DjM
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RE: Forum Moderators
I agree with the above, I'd like to see anyone with a post deleted being sent a reason why.
I had an extremely non offensive post deleted yesterday, which appears to be merely because I was stating an opinion that didn't agree with everyone else. Is that really what this place is turning into now? Someone can't share an opinion that isn't the same as everyone elses without it being deleted? Because thats rather disturbing in all honesty!
08-03-2009 16:13 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Forum Moderators
As far as I am aware, posts are only edited or deleted for good reason, not just willy nilly. Various reasons are abuse, spamming, copyright, or those that could result in legal action. As TheWatcher said, only admin & smc can delete posts and the other mods can only edit them. So if you haven't heard from any of them about why something has happened to a post, then contact the appropriate person.
08-03-2009 16:38 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Forum Moderators
i wasn't commenting on before, i am just commenting on recent events. I'm sure if the forum had had more moderators sooner the same decisions would be made as they are now. I think with more moderators more attention can be paid to posts that could result in trouble for the site and the bits i mentioned previously. (not that SMC wasn't doing a great job before, he was!)
Plus i would like to add that since i have been here, apart from the arguments that decscend into slanging matches and whatnot, i really enjoy the forum, there's a great little community going on, great resources if you want to see caps or vids and good for info, the interactions with the girls are a nice bonus. I think its unfair that you don't think i can comment just cos i've not been a member of this site for as long as you.
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2009 16:59 by Shandy.)
08-03-2009 16:51 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Forum Moderators
as i was trying to say, i was commenting on your statement that mods should only edit posts for abuse & copyright infringement and was saying that that is all they are doing, how that relates to how the forum used to be I don't really know. Have you considered that maybe more posts than usual over the last few days have been ones that have infringed copyright, been abusive, or contained serious allegations that could result in legal action and thats why they were edited? I just wanted to point out that they're not being edited for unjust reasons.
To be honest it was more aimed for DjM just to re-iterate TheWatchers post to him.
I'm not wanting to cause a mass debate or an argument, i was just trying to help clarify a point.
Plus like i said, with the exceptions of the arguments that have descended into slanging matches, i think the forum has been a great place since i joined, there's good cameraderie between members, the chatbox is good for a convo and a laugh, there's some great members posting caps & vids.
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2009 17:09 by Shandy.)
08-03-2009 17:07 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Forum Moderators
Biker, are you just trying to stir crap?
As has been said, posts are only edited if they are abusive, infringe copyright, have links to illegal material, contain unfounded allegations that could lead to legal action and stuff along those lines. Do you want all that left in and the forum get shut down?? No-one's had their posts edited because they have differing opinions as far as i'm aware.
That was what SMC was trying to say and you seem to think he was insulting you?
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2009 18:07 by Shandy.)
08-03-2009 18:06 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Forum Moderators
biker200 Wrote:shandyman Wrote:Biker, are you just trying to stir crap?
As has been said, posts are only edited if they are abusive, infringe copyright, have links to illegal material, contain unfounded allegations that could lead to legal action and stuff along those lines. Do you want all that left in and the forum get shut down?? No-one's had their posts edited because they have differing opinions as far as i'm aware.
That was what SMC was trying to say and you seem to think he was insulting you?
Im not replying because you always have to have the last word and im not prepared to spend any longer replying to you shandyman.Now get back in your box somebody might be insulting your fave girl while your gone
I know you will probably turn around and say i'm just trying to get the last word in and i don't care.
Surely you just did reply? you've gone the immature route of trying to insult me, rather than the mature route and actually giving substance to your claim. The mods here are doing good work here and you are determined to just tarnish it by claiming that they are editing/deleting posts without good & valid reasons and i think that it is just downright out of order to do that and thats why i have voiced my opinon.
Grow up and be more use rather than trying to cause crap.
08-03-2009 18:26 |
Just another poster
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RE: Forum Moderators
biker200 Wrote:shandyman Wrote:Biker, are you just trying to stir crap?
As has been said, posts are only edited if they are abusive, infringe copyright, have links to illegal material, contain unfounded allegations that could lead to legal action and stuff along those lines. Do you want all that left in and the forum get shut down?? No-one's had their posts edited because they have differing opinions as far as i'm aware.
That was what SMC was trying to say and you seem to think he was insulting you?
Im not replying because you always have to have the last word and im not prepared to spend any longer replying to you shandyman.Now get back in your box somebody might be insulting your fave girl while your gone
Biker this is a forum, people are allowed opinions.
As for the suggesting that moderators edit posts whenever they feel like it; I don't think that is a issue. As shandyman has said posts ONLY get edited when they are either abusive, spam, copyright issues or liabile issues - If we decide to leave posts which have serious allegations to a channel, the Webmaster of the forum would be held accountable. Not the poster who wrote the allegations, admin - that would be a cause for the forum to be shut down.
At the end of the day we are just trying to do what is in the best interest of the forum but, if you do feel like posts have been edited unfairly to stop a opinion, may I suggest PM'ing admin and explain why you may feel like that.
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2009 18:33 by BristolRovers.)
08-03-2009 18:29 |
Ex Moderator
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RE: Forum Moderators
biker200 Wrote:Well im of the opinion to get rid of these mods as they are having a negative effect here and are just working harder than the labour government to silence anyone that has a differing opinion.
Dont agree.
Your comments in this thread are not being edited, are they?
There are lots of things posted in the parts of the forum that I control that I do not agree with but I have not touched them.
I have only flagged some copyright material, which the site has a legal obligation to delete, and removed one of the girl's real surname from a couple of posts as requested by admin.
My main work is trying to keep the site tidy and make it easier for everyone to use.
In this respect I have had some obsolete and not relevent threads removed, such as "who is that girl on now" where there have been one or less replies.
Without moderators the site would spiral out of control as it continues to expand.
Its people such as yourself carrying out endless arguments in the threads that is clogging up the forum.
This is my last post on this subject.
08-03-2009 18:34 |