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Lori Buckby - Elite TV : Chat & Discussion

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tsurugi Offline

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Post: #1001
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
That is all.

[Image: oie_untitledslammyjericho.jpg]

[Image: 005.jpg]
17-07-2011 19:20
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #1002
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
I aint actually as what i criticised her about was her breaking of the law which was ethically and morally improper.

going over the top cause she had a boob job not the same thing bro.

[Image: homer-simpson-doh.gif?w=290]
17-07-2011 19:22
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tsurugi Offline

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Post: #1003
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
Who said i was talking about you , chris?
I think criticising others for "nasty" comments when they have in the past upset babes because of these comments is a bit hypocritical of them.

Also buckby brothers? Sounds like a gay tag team that would have given billy&chuck a run for their money
(This post was last modified: 17-07-2011 19:31 by tsurugi.)
17-07-2011 19:29
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iamthatjack Offline

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Post: #1004
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
I always side with the person who involves Chris Jericho in an argument
(This post was last modified: 17-07-2011 19:34 by iamthatjack.)
17-07-2011 19:30
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chrislatimer Offline

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Post: #1005
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
(17-07-2011 19:29 )tsurugi Wrote:  Who said i was talking about you , chris?
I think criticising others for "nasty" comments when they have in the past upset babes because of these comments is a bit hypocritical of them.

Just a Hunch i have coming to know you in the way you act on here Wink

IF its aimed at me i never went as far as some of the stuff in this thread. its grown men throwing hissy fit cause a girl they see on tv or speak to on twitter or whatever got a boob job its ridiculous .
(This post was last modified: 17-07-2011 19:32 by chrislatimer.)
17-07-2011 19:31
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #1006
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
(17-07-2011 19:29 )tsurugi Wrote:  Who said i was talking about you , chris?
I think criticising others for "nasty" comments when they have in the past upset babes because of these comments is a bit hypocritical of them.

Also buckby brothers? Sounds like a gay tag team that would have given billy&chuck a run for their money

is the "other" me tsu and in particular when i upset ava blue about comments i made her boob jobSadSad. yes accept that does make me a hypocrite but as a result know now to try and not upset babes on her and when im negative be as constructive as i can

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
17-07-2011 20:19
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Webbiola Offline
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Post: #1007
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
I am not a fan of surgery. Generally I would do anything to avoid it unless it meant saving my life or the life of a loved one or a friend or someone who owed me money. The whole concept of being so dissatisfied with one's appearance that you resort to surgery to improve one's self worth or economic worth is in my view questionable but is a day to day reality. Now I can be as pompous and self righteous as anyone on this forum.........well, there are half a dozen or so who are in a different class but I predict that in the future breasts will be grown in laboratories and sold in Superdrug. Possibly in a 3 pack under the Scaramanga brand name. (Note to self, possible business venture).

Lori is no longer the small breasted energetic contortionist but rather the much larger breasted energetic contortionist. At the moment I still prefer the former but maybe I can grow to like the latter. Rather like when they changed the toffee layer in a Mars bar, it took a while to get used to.

Actually I have my own surgery dilemma. I have a secret that I haven't really shared fully in public. I too have a self image problem that surgery could rectify. I have 2 penises. I have explored the possibility of having 1 removed but my employer, Mr Ringling says he will sack me if I do. Plus my wife says she will leave me. Isn't life strange? The cards we are dealt....

Anyway must get back to watching wank channels .........is that the correct description these days? Isn't wanking what it's all about?Cool

Man cannot live on head alone.
(This post was last modified: 17-07-2011 22:41 by Webbiola.)
17-07-2011 22:35
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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #1008
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
I'm usually one of the few who will defend the girls when they get surgery and I'm a fan of large breasts, be they natural or enhanced. However, this is one occassion where I really don't think Lori needed to get her boobs done and I'm not totally a fan of them just yet. There's still time however because they're still fresh and look a bit hard and rigid just now but they'll loosen up and we'll get used to them and everyone will get over it, as they always do.
17-07-2011 22:49
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KerrAvon Online
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Post: #1009
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
My word, is this discussion of Lori's new boobs STILL rumbling on? eek

She's having a very interesting voyeur session atm, with the cameraman peeking through the door of the bathroom. Not usually into that sort of thing, but I'm actually quite liking it. Something different from the norm.
17-07-2011 23:27
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derek purcell28 Offline
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Post: #1010
RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion
KerrAvon your not the only 1 liking this set and Lori had the front of her pants down little fare she showed her public hairs but only for a sec. this set is bit different to the others.

i Like Lori`s new boobs

partly blind derek
17-07-2011 23:42
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