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shankey! Offline
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Post: #181
RE: Petition
(17-09-2011 17:32 )continental19 Wrote:  
(17-09-2011 00:14 )StanTheMan Wrote:  Those figures only confirm what I've been saying for months now, namely that the majority of viewers are happy with the babeshows as they are. We're ridiculously outnumbered and I don't see what we can do about it.

Well i'm really pissed of about this, it just goes to show like you said that the majority is ok with what is being televised. Dam that's bad news indeed Ofcom must be laughing there heads, oh shit this is not good.
I'm thinking the same, where do we go from here, well it can't get any worse, well i hope not anyway, i guess we have to hope either ofcoms budget get cut by the government, well lets face it there cutting all over the place, maybe some other regulator might put a case against them, who no's.
There seems to be to many questions, and not enough answers.annoyed

just maybe the vast amount of members who havent signed have no interest in the channels any more since they have become so mundane ,you cant blame them if they have!
17-09-2011 17:37
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continental19 Offline
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Post: #182
RE: Petition
Yea i no what you mean, it's sad in a way, but we must always remain optimistic maybe something might go our way before the yrs out, you never no.
17-09-2011 18:00
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gazfc Away
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Post: #183
RE: Petition
What do you expect, after months of blaming things on the 'fanboys' (calling them mugs/sad etc) why would they sign it for you?

Tumblr - Suicide Girls
17-09-2011 19:38
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shankey! Offline
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Post: #184
RE: Petition
(17-09-2011 19:38 )gazfc Wrote:  What do you expect, after months of blaming things on the 'fanboys' (calling them mugs/sad etc) why would they sign it for you?

i personally never have ever blamed anyone apart from ofcom,but having said that,you sound like a spoilt school kid with that attitude(tit for tat) ,they would be signing it for themselves if they thought it was a valid enough claim against ofcom taking the piss out of every single thing they touch!,it may be some time yet but when they do decide to hammer the final nail into the babe channels for good just remember at least we have tried to do something about it!
17-09-2011 19:44
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rockey Offline

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Post: #185
RE: Petition
personally i feel you have to reword it and also readdress it to where the problem lies
17-09-2011 19:48
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eccles Offline
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Post: #186
RE: Petition
A milestone has been reached with 200 votes. Here are some good and bad points.


There are only 200 signatures.
This could be taken as a low level of support.
200 votes wont grab newspaper headlines.

The British tend to endure in silence, or tut.
Only 1 person in a 100 who disagrees with something actually does any thing about it.
Its ahead of the petition to ban porn in newsagents (179 votes).
Its got 5 times more votes than the petition to increase the watershed to 10:30pm (38 votes).
ditto ...raise age of consent to 18 (9 votes).
ditto ... make premium rate services illegal (8 votes).
Thats more votes than the last petition.
Its still going up.

Lets keep it going up. Being defeatist wont win any prizes. If you can think of any other publicity or forums please pass the message on. You know it makes scents.

Gone fishing
17-09-2011 23:47
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SYBORG666 Offline
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Post: #187
RE: Petition
Even though I hardly watch the babechannels anymore due to them being cautious, i've still signed the petition because nothing is acheived by sitting on the sidelines and I think that some of the producers have signed it as well.
Come on and lets get 1000+ signatures because that is the only way to get the babechannels back to the former glory days.

Raising Hell Since 1980.

As a man once said:
"Control yourself, your better alone"
"Control yourself, see who gives a fuck"
18-09-2011 01:28
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aceman65 Offline
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Post: #188
RE: Petition
Nearly 54,000 members, and probably 3 times that in guests, and all we can manage is 200 votes. Surprised

You all want Ofcom to relax the rules on these channels. And it only takes 30 seconds of your time to register your vote.

And you have the cheek to call yourselves fans of these channels. If that's so, sign it.
18-09-2011 04:43
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #189
RE: Petition
Here is some stark reasons why you should sign the petition as frankly 200 may be a milestone but's it's a disgraceful figure in terms of what we could have hoped for to make any kind of impact. Take Elite for example, the show now compared to last year at this time is enough to make you weep, mostly crap models, crap shows with only Caty Cole and Lori Buckby offering a glimmer of hope. Babestation well to be fair it still does some decent shows but mostly dull because of the Xtreme show which is all they really give a fuck about with the SKY show being more of a tease than anything. RLC well hot and cold as far as I'm concerned and then we have Xxpanded TV - Everything that's bad about a so-called erotic show can be found here, it's easily the worst of a bad bunch, Storm although offering more nudity than the rest is stagnated with little or no movement from the models and nobody wants to sign the petition when you have analysis such as this. We have also lost a very good show in the name of SportXXX and the licence revoked at Bangbabes. I also say bring back shows such as Babestar and dispose of crap such as Xxpanded TV as the best thing you should do with that channel is throw it in a box and dump it in the middle of the North Sea, we don't need cannon fodder like that. God forbid what state the channels will be in next year at this time the way we are going if this is not acted on with immediate effect.
18-09-2011 05:56
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rockey Offline

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Post: #190
RE: Petition
give ofcom some teeth i have wall to wall qvc tv, scam channels with no audience, god channels,phychic tv, the horror channel, men and movies , true movies reality tv scanky american cheap braindead greedy banal rubbish and more rubbish get rid of the whole lot instead of ofcom protecting this monopoly of this weak crap that in a real marketplace would not survive a week if they opened it up to real competition......the whole of european tv has been infiltrated by scammers buying up descent tv channels and replacing them with infomerials trying to push you into pay tv
18-09-2011 06:21
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