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Levi - Chat, Caps & Vids

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Levixxx Offline
Princess Levi

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Post: #381
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
(10-11-2011 19:01 )Gav_79 Wrote:  Love your tatoos btw. You planning on getting any more?

no i dont think so bbe...but u never know
10-11-2011 20:55
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Levixxx Offline
Princess Levi

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Post: #382
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Hey guys dont forget my naughty night show from 10pm-5:30am on Sunday night
10-11-2011 20:55
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eeyore_392 Offline
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Post: #383
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Hi Levi.

I can't help but feel there's too little stuff of yours floating around the internet. Have you done any photoshoots? Would be great to see you do some
11-11-2011 16:56
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SirAssAlot Away
Ban All Ass Lickers!!!!

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Post: #384
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Here's Vids from over 8 weeks ago

Vids edited on the 10th August 2011

[Image: 31d92d158733812.jpg] [Image: 852391158733827.jpg] [Image: 658fb2158733829.jpg] [Image: ed4251158733830.jpg] [Image: 4812a1158733833.jpg] [Image: c67d08158733837.jpg] [Image: af3da4158733838.jpg] [Image: 42daea158733841.jpg] [Image: a9f550158733842.jpg]

[Image: cb7999158735856.jpg] [Image: 6747c3158735862.jpg] [Image: 022c3f158735864.jpg] [Image: 6a78f5158735867.jpg] [Image: 836e6f158735872.jpg] [Image: afc3a6158735876.jpg] [Image: e73677158735879.jpg] [Image: aba7d8158735884.jpg] [Image: 010306158735886.jpg] [Image: 301b38158735891.jpg] [Image: 243adb158735895.jpg] [Image: c0c96f158735898.jpg] [Image: 63e703158735900.jpg] [Image: 76e0c2158735901.jpg] [Image: 3f8ce1158735905.jpg] [Image: 63d1e9158735908.jpg] [Image: 59b5df158735911.jpg] [Image: 3732fc158735913.jpg]

More later

Why members post content that's not shown to the public is beyond me.
Because of certain posts they’ve now blacked out the cams or moved them out of the way so we can’t see anything. Thanks guys you really know how to screw things up for the rest of us...
Over my 6 years of being a forum member I've never seen anything so stupid...
11-11-2011 17:21
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SirAssAlot Away
Ban All Ass Lickers!!!!

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Reputation: 237
Post: #385
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Here's Vids from over 8 weeks ago

Vids edited on the 10th August 2011

[Image: 9d2dc2158747531.jpg] [Image: 45b824158754016.jpg] [Image: 8ac52a158747541.jpg] [Image: 34c50b158747545.jpg] [Image: fe73e1158747546.jpg] [Image: 892e04158747549.jpg] [Image: 585fd9158747550.jpg] [Image: 66d61c158747551.jpg] [Image: d3216e158747555.jpg] [Image: 18d40a158747557.jpg] [Image: aae2cf158747559.jpg] [Image: 807a0e158747561.jpg] [Image: 4a53bf158747563.jpg] [Image: b1bc33158747568.jpg] [Image: f149bc158747572.jpg] [Image: 7f230a158747579.jpg] [Image: f74943158747586.jpg] [Image: ff018f158747588.jpg] [Image: 07e7f5158747590.jpg] [Image: 43b577158747597.jpg] [Image: 2e0d79158747598.jpg] [Image: 6ba415158747599.jpg] [Image: 1a22e3158747604.jpg] [Image: 78b5f1158747605.jpg] [Image: caeb83158747608.jpg] [Image: 0025ea158747612.jpg] [Image: aa3599158747617.jpg] [Image: bb1434158747619.jpg] [Image: e74ac4158747622.jpg] [Image: d25fce158747627.jpg] [Image: 8cb55c158747629.jpg] [Image: e08cbc158747631.jpg] [Image: e50857158747634.jpg] [Image: 3ffd73158747638.jpg] [Image: c3cbe1158747641.jpg] [Image: d8be85158747644.jpg] [Image: 6636a0158747648.jpg] [Image: bc8884158747653.jpg] [Image: 0a4492158747656.jpg] [Image: 759b50158747660.jpg] [Image: 08ce08158747663.jpg] [Image: df0b89158747668.jpg] [Image: bf3df0158747671.jpg] = VID 02 = VID 03

More Later

Why members post content that's not shown to the public is beyond me.
Because of certain posts they’ve now blacked out the cams or moved them out of the way so we can’t see anything. Thanks guys you really know how to screw things up for the rest of us...
Over my 6 years of being a forum member I've never seen anything so stupid...
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2011 19:28 by SirAssAlot.)
11-11-2011 18:42
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Gav_79 Offline
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Post: #386
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Thanks Levi, I'll make sure I catch some of it! Wink
11-11-2011 18:55
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SirAssAlot Away
Ban All Ass Lickers!!!!

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Post: #387
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Here's Vids from over 8 weeks ago

Vids edited on the 10th & 11th August 2011

[Image: 9e5b5b158762534.jpg] [Image: 8bd86d158762548.jpg] [Image: cafe4b158762550.jpg] [Image: 6fd895158762553.jpg] [Image: 22ba52158762556.jpg] [Image: 02708a158762559.jpg] [Image: 49d59b158762566.jpg] [Image: 7b5d03158762569.jpg] [Image: 7705f1158762574.jpg] [Image: 176f77158762579.jpg] [Image: cd3bc9158762581.jpg] [Image: 07480b158762586.jpg] [Image: d8d874158762588.jpg] [Image: d817fc158762592.jpg] [Image: bff41c158762598.jpg] [Image: 2284e8158762603.jpg] [Image: 5a6d75158762606.jpg] [Image: 0e3deb158762607.jpg] [Image: c7f101158762614.jpg] [Image: 9b50a3158762618.jpg] [Image: a52ec0158762623.jpg] [Image: 006d27158762624.jpg] [Image: 290e1e158762630.jpg] [Image: dd7d3a158762631.jpg] [Image: 5344a6158762634.jpg] [Image: ef3703158762636.jpg] [Image: 899d64158762640.jpg]

[Image: 0e6576158763060.jpg] [Image: 59d4c2158763072.jpg] [Image: ba1997158763076.jpg] [Image: 68cf57158763078.jpg] [Image: 8e2286158763082.jpg] [Image: dbbb5b158763086.jpg] [Image: e56199158763087.jpg] [Image: afba16158763090.jpg] [Image: 291edb158763093.jpg] [Image: 475857158763098.jpg] [Image: 1e23c2158763100.jpg] [Image: bc5561158763103.jpg] [Image: b4818d158763107.jpg] [Image: e348cc158763108.jpg] [Image: 4472dc158763110.jpg] [Image: 59481f158763112.jpg] [Image: 30d854158763119.jpg] [Image: 67fdf2158763120.jpg] [Image: dfa456158763122.jpg] [Image: d0592d158763126.jpg] [Image: 8434a1158763127.jpg] [Image: 9368c9158763130.jpg] [Image: 335857158763133.jpg] [Image: 6c533b158763137.jpg] [Image: d92cbb158763140.jpg] [Image: faf7be158763142.jpg] [Image: 83a10f158763145.jpg] [Image: f8024c158763149.jpg] [Image: 7550d7158763153.jpg] [Image: b172bd158763155.jpg]

More Later

Why members post content that's not shown to the public is beyond me.
Because of certain posts they’ve now blacked out the cams or moved them out of the way so we can’t see anything. Thanks guys you really know how to screw things up for the rest of us...
Over my 6 years of being a forum member I've never seen anything so stupid...
11-11-2011 20:28
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Levixxx Offline
Princess Levi

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Post: #388
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Hey guys I'm working until 2am tonight watch me and get calling!!! Luv ya! Mwaaaaah
11-11-2011 23:12
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alexfury Offline

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Post: #389
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
is it me or does levi just keep geting hotter

my top 10 in alphabetical order
Ashleigh Doll / Bailey /Caty Cole /Daryl Morgan / Kandi / Leah Jaye / Levi / Lucy Zara / Sophie Hart / Tori Lee

I have a thing for big boobs can you tell
11-11-2011 23:30
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Snooks Away
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Post: #390
RE: Levi - Chat & Caps
Levi in top form tonight already, that body is awesome. Hotter and hornier than ever Tongue

11-11-2011 23:32
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