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Dr Who

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Ree's No.1 fan Offline
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Post: #251
RE: Dr Who
Will be sad to see Karen Gillan leave the Amy Pond role as she has been an interesting companion (with awesome legs). Remember that Steven Moffat says that he lies to the media...

Ree Petra was very dirty...but also very clean!
16-12-2011 01:09
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #252
RE: Dr Who
The Doctor Who Christmas Special gets a 10 of 10 for me, brilliant storyline, great all acting by every one in this Christmas special and for me it was perfect feel good story good story to watch over Christmas. For me Matt Smith has made the Doctor Who role his on and so full of energy and you can tell he really loves the role and this for me is the difference between this and Torchwood i know there different shows but i what i like about Doctor Who and with this Christmas Special is that stories and acting for me are better written and much more entertaining to watch. Can't wait for the next series of Doctor Who Smile.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
26-12-2011 16:27
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #253
RE: Dr Who
It was alright Smile

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
26-12-2011 17:41
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bigguy01 Offline
My Kind of Girl

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Post: #254
RE: Dr Who
it was rollicking good fun.

the only other shows that are just as good are meriln and sherlock (benedict cumberbatch could be a great doctor). if what moffat said at the premier of the crimbo special about the ponds (karen gillan and whatshisface) leaving the show that would be sad.

Top 5 Celebs To Be On The Channels: Molly Quinn, Stana Katic, Nina Dobrev, Susanna Reid, Steph McGovern
26-12-2011 18:44
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Regenerated Offline
An Unearthly Child

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Post: #255
RE: Dr Who
I liked last night's Christmas episode. It was good fun - although could have done with some more scarier moments. Even so, it was enjoyable. Smile

26-12-2011 19:51
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #256
RE: Dr Who
there is a dr who weekend on the digital tv channel watch starting 7:30 am this morning Smile going through to new years day evening they are showing david tennant's final full series (the one with donna noble as the companion) and the 4 specials thay followed ; planet of the dead, waters of mars and the 2 part finale the end of time

8:30am episode today sees the first sighting of karen gillan in dr who as a minor character

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
31-12-2011 00:26
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mellover Offline

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Post: #257
RE: Dr Who
The doctor crying? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and NO annoyedannoyedannoyedannoyed

What would The mighty Pertwee think Rolleyes
31-12-2011 00:33
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #258
RE: Dr Who
I have to admit I allways throughly enjoyed the Doctor Who Christmas specials as they offer us something different from the norm, in particular I found this years episode very moving and I'm not ashamed to admit it but it did bring a few tears to my eye's at the end, I am absolutely gutted to hear the news that Karen Gillan is leaving the show, this moment will probably bring more than a few tears to my eye's when she does her final performance, I think I'll probably go into mourning as I've become very fond and attached to her Amy Pond character, aswell as being very beautiful, her presence has lighten up the screen on a weekly basis and out of all the Doctor Who assistants she has been my favourite and it'll take me a long time to accept anybody else filling her role.
01-01-2012 20:55
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bigguy01 Offline
My Kind of Girl

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Post: #259
RE: Dr Who
apparently moffatt has rep for misleading people with future plots. i hope river song character is kept has she and the dr are brilliant together abit like tennent and tate, piper ecclestone, sladen and pertwee/baker.

Top 5 Celebs To Be On The Channels: Molly Quinn, Stana Katic, Nina Dobrev, Susanna Reid, Steph McGovern
01-01-2012 22:07
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Regenerated Offline
An Unearthly Child

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Post: #260
RE: Dr Who
I'd much rather Amy Pond stayed, but get rid of River Song and Rory Williams. They get in the way too much for me. I've hardly watched any of the new series because of Alex Kingston's character. I find her tiring -it would be ok if she only reappeared occasionally, like they used to do with David Tennant's doctor. At least Captain Jack wasn't in what seemed like every episode.

It would have been better for me if they'd used the River Song character to make occcasional appearances, and that way viewers would be more intrigued to find out about her character instead of having it all thrust upon us for a whole series.

Matt Smith is a talented actor, not in David Tennant's or Tom Baker's league, but you can sense something special when he's on screen. If only the writers were always as good - a lot of the storylines have been quite weak. Smith leaves the writers far behind though with his abilities.

01-01-2012 22:15
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