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Call it a day

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Post: #1
Call it a day
Never did I think I would be making this post, but here I am making it. Is it not time that these programmes were put to bed? Every programme as a shelf life and I'm sorry to say that the Babechannels have reached theirs. Apart from a couple of new girls making appearances, It as to be said that the last few weeks have been dire. I have reached the end of my patience in waiting for an improvement. You think it might just have come when you see some of the new girls really taking it a little bit further than the established girls. But I'm afraid it doesn't last more than two appearances before they are glancing up in fear if the merest hint of a slip as occured. The programmes no longer justify being called "adult". No doubt lots of us will once again tune in tonight and see girls that were once very erotic just laying almost motionless on a bed shaking a phone for all their worth. You will also see naked girls with their legs stuck so firmly together they could double as mermaids. Every night the same fucking shite and it's about time they were scrapped. But why the fanboys keep digging deep into their pockets, then I am sure that the dross will continue.
14-01-2012 17:29
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mrmann Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Call it a day
As long as a certain number of people call in, then nothing will change. While I see most of these women without calls for half of every night, I'm assuming they get enough calls to make a decent profit, so that's worth it to them to keep going.

If only Ofcom would allow for encryption, then the channels could charge a small fee to help them even out, since less people would know about the encryption right away. They would need to announce it on the regular night shows first, and on the website as well, but I think they could be a success this way, and I'd be willing to pay a small fee to watch an uncensored show for once.
14-01-2012 18:14
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Addison Away
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Post: #3
RE: Call it a day
You guys pushing for more explicit material are going to have to accept that a lot of other guys would, given the choice, prefer to see softcore shows where the babes retain a bit of class and dignity, and aren't reduced to hardcore stereotype of the thrusting, moaning automaton. It's not a cop-out stance; it's not settling for what they can get; it's not 'fanboys' in thrall to their favourite babes, ringing out of obsequious loyalty; it comes down to taste and preference. This is what they would choose to watch if NO watchdog committees were in operation.
14-01-2012 19:17
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blackjaques Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Call it a day
(14-01-2012 19:17 )Addison Wrote:  You guys pushing for more explicit material are going to have to accept that a lot of other guys would, given the choice, prefer to see softcore shows where the babes retain a bit of class and dignity, and aren't reduced to hardcore stereotype of the thrusting, moaning automaton. It's not a cop-out stance; it's not settling for what they can get; it's not 'fanboys' in thrall to their favourite babes, ringing out of obsequious loyalty; it comes down to taste and preference. This is what they would choose to watch if NO watchdog committees were in operation.

Good post, Addison.

The only comment I would make is that those of us who prefer a more explicit, erotic experience are denied this because of Ofcon's adherence to their political masters.

Before it wa the feminazis at the Labour Party but now it is the Daily Mail Little Englanders who call the shots.

The latter group I find the most odious, I have to admit.
14-01-2012 20:02
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Hawaiian Brian Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Call it a day
(14-01-2012 19:17 )Addison Wrote:  You guys pushing for more explicit material are going to have to accept that a lot of other guys would, given the choice, prefer to see softcore shows where the babes retain a bit of class and dignity, and aren't reduced to hardcore stereotype of the thrusting, moaning automaton.

I don't think it's an either/or situation, and, for me, the perfect example was Danica. At her best, in my opinion, she retained a lot of class and dignity and was extremely erotic, without ever being reduced to the hardcore stereotype.

She managed this by continually roaming her free hand all over her body, sometimes over and into her panties, whilst still managing to look serenely beautiful and, occasionally, a little embarrassed at how far she had gone. Just a stunning young lady exploring her body and her sexuality for the benefit of us, the viewers.

Unfortunately, under the current Ofcom regime, we are extremely unlikely to see anything of that ilk again, which is why I agree with the sentiments of the originator of this thread.
14-01-2012 20:09
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BarrieBF Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Call it a day
(14-01-2012 19:17 )Addison Wrote:  it comes down to taste and preference. This is what they would choose to watch if NO watchdog committees were in operation.

A good and sensible comment Addison and entirely correct. The babe channels as they are now have plenty of viewers and enough calls to keep them going because there are enough people who like what they currently broadcast.
14-01-2012 20:46
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StanTheMan Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Call it a day
The OP poses a good question, but some what inevitably the discussion has been reduced to yet another Ofcom thread by the second post (no offense, mrmann).

Getting back on topic then, I'd say that I don't particularly care one way or another (says he going to the bother of writing a reply). Continue as they are, or disappear tomorrow, I couldn't care less.

To answer the question directly, I'd say leave them to it... with the vaguest hint of 'you never know' behind my reasoning.
(This post was last modified: 15-01-2012 02:30 by StanTheMan.)
15-01-2012 02:28
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seth Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Call it a day
As others have stated. All the while these shows are making a profit they won't close down. Not sure why the OP would want them to close down anyway. That would be the end of the likes of forums like this one for a start. Secondly if you don't like what you're seeing then don't watch.
15-01-2012 12:26
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Call it a day
We don't want to see them close... surely not. There'd be little point in these forums if the channels were closed would there? Huh

The phrase "if you don't like, don't watch" still holds true. I've lost count the number of times people have to say it on here, and I just don't see the point in starting yet another one of these moaning threads. Jesus, we have enough already with the Ofcom regulations. I'd rather just talk about the babes, and I'm sure there's plenty of others who would too.

Why should we talk about closing channels and give Ofcom more publicity?

Nah fuck that.. let the channels continue, let the caps, vids and discussions about the babes continue and let these forums continue.

And I hate to say it, but if the channels closed, wouldn't the moaners have nothing to talk about? Surely the moaners need the channels to continue so that they can keep doing what they like and continue creating more regulation discussion threads. Wink

15-01-2012 13:41
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elgar1uk Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Call it a day
(14-01-2012 17:29 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  The programmes no longer justify being called "adult".

The channels provide adult (interactive) services and therefore can only be classed as adult, i.e. the telephone number on the screen alone makes the channels adult.
15-01-2012 13:42
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