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I never once suggested that she stated she'd go full frontal.
That doesn't make it any less disappointing though. The same can be said for Tammy Taylor.
I'm a big Tammy and Paige fan, but for me, watching them for a couple of years, never being allowed to see a vagina because of Ofcom, despite some slips from them  , and then hearing they won't show anything on their actual pay sites is disappointing. I'm not saying that they need to show all right up front, as more of a tease would be better, especially as these are new sites, but I think it's rather pointless if they NEVER show full frontal. It's just a frickin body part for crying out loud! We all know what they look like! Paige isn't shy as we can tell from her sessions, and neither is Tammy, so it just feels a bit silly to me if we never get to see them fully nude for once. This is how it is with Elite's site, where many of the women who've shown all before aren't even showing full frontal, and it's lame. They start to strip down, and then say "Oh, I can't show that". Why pay for a site if they aren't going to raise the bar a bit?
29-01-2012 17:16 |
Posting Machine
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(29-01-2012 17:16 )mrmann Wrote: I never once suggested that she stated she'd go full frontal.
That doesn't make it any less disappointing though. The same can be said for Tammy Taylor.
I'm a big Tammy and Paige fan, but for me, watching them for a couple of years, never being allowed to see a vagina because of Ofcom, despite some slips from them , and then hearing they won't show anything on their actual pay sites is disappointing. I'm not saying that they need to show all right up front, as more of a tease would be better, especially as these are new sites, but I think it's rather pointless if they NEVER show full frontal. It's just a frickin body part for crying out loud! We all know what they look like! Paige isn't shy as we can tell from her sessions, and neither is Tammy, so it just feels a bit silly to me if we never get to see them fully nude for once. This is how it is with Elite's site, where many of the women who've shown all before aren't even showing full frontal, and it's lame. They start to strip down, and then say "Oh, I can't show that". Why pay for a site if they aren't going to raise the bar a bit?
Errr has it occurred to you that maybe some girls don't want to show everything. It might just be a fricking body part but it's their body part. If they choose not to show just accept it.
29-01-2012 17:45 |
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Paige has done full frontal before, like properly, or just little. to be honest, i dont really mind, don't get me wrong if Paige annonces tommorrow that shes is going to be doing frontal i would be happy as anybody, but if she annonces that she would never do it, fair as well. im more than happy to pay £??? a month just to see paige, full frontal, naked or full clothed, shes beautiful in all of them.
However is would be extremely suprised if she ever did, total explict, legs wide open full frontal, but as many glamour models say, hopefully "Never say Never"
Im A-dick-ted to Ashlyn Shaw
29-01-2012 18:08 |
Posting Machine
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Hopefully we can step away from the handbags on the full frontal debate for a minute, as I'm hoping people who've already signed up could kindly answer a couple of questions for me before I do myself.
The site mentions videos but from a quick look there didn't seem to be too many on there at the moment - is that right?
When the site mentions donwloads, are there any from other sources e.g. nude photo shoots with Tiffany etc, or is it all homegrown material shot specially for the website.
Many thanks for all info that might whet the appetite
FWIW I think sexiness is about the spark and fantasy a girl can create, nothing to do with how much flesh or which bits of the body they show. Obviously Paige has it in spades!
30-01-2012 00:05 |