^ It just seems a bit convenient.
Women looking flustered upon reappearing, reactions to things off screen, flying animals etc
. It can make you think that something must be happening if they go to the logo (Not always sexual, but to me it gives that impression at times), whereas the other moments when these things happen seem like there's nothing going on (When the women announce it, costume malfunction, set change, switch to POV etc). Adele even had a red face when the logo disappeared after a few minutes last night, though I don't want to suggest anything
Like I've said before, cutting to the logo could be their way of trying to hide something, if they feel we may be able to tell what's happening, even if we can't really see it.
Preparing for some backlash here
but there was a woman on a certain channel not long ago (NOT the channel we can't talk about and not Elite), who was very clearly giving someone a handjob for five or so minutes, as we could see her arm going back and forth in that motion/speed and could see the shadow of the guy or cameraman with his crotch right where her hand was. She looked at his face and said things at times as well. When some comments were posted, the woman appeared to read them as she had her laptop infront of her, and she went red in the face and told the cameraman, to which five minutes of red faced laughter ensued and the cameraman even panned away from her face while she laughed. The camera did not move during the action, and was poorly framed as the cameraman had left the camera that way, but it was one of the more obvious moments. There was also a moment like this on another famous babe channel recently, not Elite BTW or the other channel, and one of the women on screen was watching what was happening with a slight smirk on her face, but quickly dropped her smirk and looked at the camera when someone off screen said something to her. This was less overt than the first moment I mentioned where we could see the cameraman shadow, but still looked interesting as there are only so many hand motions you do for certain things, for any given amount of time.
If they didn't cut to the logo this morning when Dionne was watching whatever she was watching off screen which appeared to be something naughty, yet cut to the logo last week when she reacted to something and said ewww, then that makes it look like something was happening last week for them to get nervous about, as if Dionne might give too much information away with her expressions. Lilly was certainly flirting with the cameraman before her logo moment that was posted here, and soon enough, logo time, to which she looked flushed when we saw her again, as you can see in the clip. Rachel disappears for four minutes, and announces she's back from her break, yet they wouldn't let Adele announce that she was back after having the logo replace her for three minutes last night.
Also, if they've been cutting to other channels at times, then why do they still go to the logo still as well? After I started this thread, I noticed that there were no logo moments the night following it
However, they soon returned.
So we have two reasons, the women are now drinking a lot of water on set, which means more bathroom breaks than before, or according to you it's the stream issues etc, but if that's true then why are the logo moments so inconsistent? You'd think there would be some consistency to it, as oppose to them popping up at random times or suggestive times for 1 minute (Caty last weekend), 2 minutes (Clare), 1 1/2 minutes (Lilly), 3 minutes (Adele), 4 minutes (Rachel), 4 minutes (After Dionne's reaction) 2 minutes 47 seconds (Sophia) etc. See what I mean. All of these moments had the women either reacting to something, or just being replaced with the logo unexpectedly.