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A big hello
Hello Everyone,
I'm a director on one of the channels mentioned on this site. I won't say which one yet because I'm new to it and you'll see why below.
Anyway, this is a brilliant forum and I'll be round here quite a bit I think. I've directed lots of well-known TV shows on BBC, Discovery etc but I ended up doing this because I was skint and there was not enough work around in normal telly. And guess what? I love it! One of the best shows I did was Sin Cities on Bravo Channel. That was the best fun I've ever had in my life. Whenever I go out on the piss with Ashley Hames, the presenter, I'm constantly amazed at how many people come up to us to say what a brilliant show it was - like the time I had Ash bollock naked on all fours getting a red wine enema from a tranny - I was laughing so much the camera was shaking all over the place, you can even hear us pissing ourselves in the background. I couldn't believe I was getting paid for it. Doing this babe channel stuff now though, is great - and I think it's the future!!
I'm just wondering if you lovely people out there could give me a hand with something? Myself and one of the other directors have decided that we're going to start our own Babe channel. It's going to cost every penny we have, we'll have to sell our (shit) cars and start a business in the middle of a recesssion - but we reckon we can do a better job than a lot of other people out there.
This is where you come in. If anyone would like to tell us what you want from an ideal babe channel, then we'll try and take it on board and give it to you. It's still early days but we hope to be on air in 2 or 3 months. Tell us everything that you want to see and we'll sort you out with some fat freebies and treats. What things are your faves? What don't you like? What floats your boat? Let us know and we'll make sure we return the favour to you....
Cheers for now, and we'll keep you posted with how it's all coming together. Have a say in how to make a babe channel. YOU can be a part of it. Go on, you know you want to.....x
30-11-2008 20:14 |
Posts: 287
Joined: Oct 2008
Reputation: 16
RE: A big hello
Before you just launch a new channel to the already dominated call girl platform it would probably be a good idea to try something different first, like setting up a website, it doesn't have to be anything special, but it could be kind of like a NASA launch, since the countdown is always the most exciting part, once you've made the name and got the channel number, its pretty simple after that, for example, if you have 7 girls, then 7 nights before you are ready to go, have a preview of each girl at 00:00 to build up hype, it gives guys a taste of what they can expect to see, and theres probably lots more things you could do with something like that too to whet the appetite.
01-12-2008 01:59 |