Junior Poster
Posts: 76
Joined: Jul 2009
Reputation: 12
Jenny Baker - GlamourStarsLive
Foul play and dirty tackles
So the world cup is coming up so I thought I would get you all in the mood. However my rules are slightly different I dont want any wimps. I will be wearing a tight and skimpy referee outfit with some lovely knee high socks and some secret spank pants that you will only see if you come and pllay. Im the referee, my game, my rules all I want is you to come along to "shoot and score" x
Come to my naughty show on on Tuesday!!!
Only $10 thats about £6 for 20minutes of fun. And anyone that has been before will tell you its great fun and you always get a little extra.
Hope see you soon.
Jen xxx
PS - Keep an eye out for Jazmine Bloom ;-) you may recognise her!
02-06-2010 20:39 |
Junior Poster
Posts: 76
Joined: Jul 2009
Reputation: 12
jenkins @ glamourstarslive
Hello my gorgeous guys and gals.
Jenkins will be putting on a saucy show for you on Monday the 28th at 10pm. The show will be for 20minutes (I always give a little extra) and will be to full nude.
Its $10 thats about £6 for the whole show so why wait go buy your ticket now at
See you soon.
Jen x
24-06-2010 13:58 |