Hi Doc,
Im very glad you feel that way my darling. It's really great to hear that you are getting stronger enough to move forward and take these positive steps in your life.
I agree also that in by people offering their goodwill and empathy that we can start improving our lives even in our own circles of existance.
Its amazing to find someone whether it be friend or other who really cares enough to want you to do well for YOU without them gaining at all.
It really makes a real difference when a person/ or people arrive in your life stream who want the best for you.
It sounds to me Doc that 2009 will be lucky for you and all the good calma that you have banked by looking after others is going to be benefiting you soon and rightly so.
You cannot beat geniune people.
That bully you worked for is probably still making his way up the food chain in some way or another. He will learn - one day - not to be a drainer of others.
I'm glad you got your self beleif back because its our natural state as human beings. Its thriving to feel successfull.
I agree with you Doc, Chris done a good thing by posting this video. I have watched it several times now and it has served me well as its become a trigger for my decisions to crack on with my nearly completed book.
THANKS DOC for posting - your interesting
and THANKS AGAIN CHRIS for finding the video.
SASHA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
doc7576 Wrote:Very good video chris and good call sasha on asking for it to be posted.
I have spent many a year now concentrating on the second part of the message of offering care and friendship and attention to those that have been in need but have neglected my own self. In so much that during this same period I have lost a lot of self esteem and self belief although you would think that by helping people the opposite would be the case. I have also been building up a business in this time as well after working for a bully for a number of years.
Fairly recently I have had the opportunity of entering into a new friendship with someone who has proved to be a catalyst for change in myself and am starting to take big steps forward. It has even made me want to do something that I have been putting off for a few weeks. and even just two days ago was trying to put off however today I have just decided to go for it and take the bull by the horn as it were. This has all come about through this person giving to me the same as I have given to people over the years and as a result this friend has become a very important part of my life due to the positivity they have introduced to me.
Sorry if people feel that I have hijacked this thread by going on (especially chris and sasha) however I am not usually one for these inspirational or motivational videos however this one does ring true, at least with me.
Changes are not easy but with the right support it is possible. Like most things it takes time and you have to have the belief to make the changes happen and take things one moment at a time. (sorry starting to sound like some advert or something now, lol).
Good luck to anyone looking to make positive changes in their lives and would wish you all the best for the future and again, sorry for going on.