(01-10-2012 09:08 )techniques Wrote: I'm using Windows Vista. I record straight from TV and get the following;
File type: MPEG Movie
Image Size: 544 x 576
Pixel Depth 32
Frame Rate: 25
Average Data Rate: 244kb / second
244kbps is quite low bitrate, that's more like the sort of bitrate you'd expect from a webstream.
If you can, I'd try increasing that slightly at the recording phase. Some of the vids I have here from other people are from 600 up to 1000kbps. That will give you a better quality to start with, and then you can work on reducing the file size and maybe even reduce that bitrate as you re-encode. Thing is, you can reduce the bitrate to get a smaller file with a slight reduction in quality, which may not be too noticeable, but in my experience, you can't increase a low bitrate to improve quality when you re-encode. (not strictly true, there are ways and means of 'improving' a vids quality, but that is really beyond the scope of this discussion, just start with the best you can and work down from there. it's easier)
So, whatever the bitrate, I'd generally recommend don't try to re-encode it with anything higher than what it already is, and if it's that low, leave it as is, don't want to take it any lower.
As mentioned before, the real thing here is the codec. Your info doesn't mention which codec you are using there.
You might want to get MediaInfo :
This handy util gives information on the codecs used in media files on your pc (goto the download page and select the version without installer, as I recall they package it with those pesky IE toolbars or some other crapware).
To re-encode, I'd suggest you have a good read of this thread about avidemux ;
That gives a very good guide to get you started, though you may need to tweak the settings still to get best results with your files. Avidemux is available as a portable app for windows, no installation necessary, so it won't cause any harm to your pc, just unpack it and run.
To tweak the settings, when you have chosen the codec, you click the configure button. The main thing is in the General tab, under 'encoding mode'.
The default is usually single pass, with a slider below that you use to configure the quality level. I usually switch to Average Bitrate (two pass) to give a better quality, but this takes longer to process. You also need to set the bitrate then. In your case, start with the same bitrate as the original file. Alternatively, you might want to play with the other options instead and see what works for you.
With avidemux, you can select only part of the file to encode, so you can experiment by selecting just a few minutes of a vid to work with, rather than process the entire file. Use the default settings and copy the file somewhere safe, then change some settings and encode again, and compare the result with the default. Keep playing with settings, comparing the quality of the resulting file, as well as the relative file sizes until you get something that works for you, then try it on the whole file.