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Babestation On This Day....

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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #241
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 21st October :

1805 Battle of Trafalgar : British admiral Horatio Nelson defeats a combined French and Spanish Fleet.
Nelson is shot and killed during the battle.

From 2013,


[Image: th_246397249_Snapshot_87_123_512lo.jpeg]

Preeti & Georgie

[Image: th_475708910_PreetiGeorgie021_10_13_312_123_459lo.jpg]
21-10-2019 18:39
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #242
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 22nd October :

1910 Old Bailey, London : Dr Crippen is convicted of poisoning his wife, and is subsequently hanged at Pentonville Prison.

From 2013,

Leigh Darby

[Image: th_253618779_LeighDarby222_10_0400_123_260lo.jpg]

[Image: th_000120306_LeighDarby22_10_1148_123_27lo.jpg]

Brooke & Louise

[Image: th_316673732_BrookeLouise_716_123_561lo.jpg]


[Image: th_645579457_snapshot_046_123_473lo.jpg]


[Image: th_399454646_Snapshot_2422_123_359lo.jpeg]
22-10-2019 18:21
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #243
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 23rd October :

1739 War of Jenkins Ear : British Prime Minister Horace Walpole under political pressure reluctantly declares War on Spain, after years of tension and commerical disputes over merchant shipping and trade with Spain and Spanish America.

(Robert Jenkins, merchant ship captain, claimed he had his ear severed by Spanish coast guards who boarded his vessel in 1731 and discovered contraband goods).

From 2013, Preeti

[Image: th_174733466_Preeti23_10_0256_123_591lo.jpg]

...and from 2014, Jada

[Image: image-5F0F_544AB0B9.jpg]
23-10-2019 19:38
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #244
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 24th October :

1901 Anna Taylor becomes the first woman to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

From 2014,

Beth & Tina Kay bsx web

[Image: image-FB9D_544B858E.jpg]

From 2015,


[Image: image-6A52_562CC79E.jpg]
24-10-2019 19:23
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #245
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 25th October :

1671 Giovanni Cassini discovers Iapetus, satellite of Saturn.

While you're waiting for someone to add the inevitable joke about Uranus, here's Lolly Badcock in the BS office from 2013......

[Image: th_737550346_Snapshot_191_123_940lo.jpeg]
25-10-2019 16:56
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Doddle Offline
Clean hands, dirty heart

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Post: #246
RE: Babestation On This Day....
Nah, I'd stick with "this thread has taken a Sa-turn for the better".

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
26-10-2019 07:43
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #247
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 26th October :

1881 - the gunfight at the OK Corral, the most famous "Wild West" shoot-out.

M-L-L couldn't be bothered with any screen shots this day, it appears; so instead here's a flash forward to the imminent BS Halloween weekend cosplay festivities.
From the 27th/28th October 2017 - here's Beth in her Princess Leia slave costume.
(Feel free to imagine any forum member you care to choose as Jabba the Hutt !)

[Image: image-9C76_59F4B55D.jpg]
[Image: image-DA69_59F4B52C.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 26-10-2019 09:57 by M-L-L.)
26-10-2019 09:54
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #248
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 27th October :

1962 "Black Saturday" of the Cuban Missile Crisis : an American spyplane is shot down over Cuba, and the US Navy drops warning depth charges on Soviet submarines....

From 2013,


[Image: th_857272171_loribuckby27_10_1512_123_391lo.jpg]

Lolly Badcock

[Image: th_921417895_LollyPooltable27_10_13_384_123_122lo.jpg]
[Image: th_881768686_LollysBoudoir27_10_13_1133_123_545lo.jpg]


[Image: th_340027490_jada.27_10_0784_123_203lo.jpg]

Louise Porter

[Image: th_680635372_Louise27_10_0100_123_243lo.jpg]

From 2014,


[Image: image-7963_54500822.jpg]

Savannah & Lori

[Image: image-2D17_5450042B.jpg]

From 2015,

[Image: image-8FFD_5632947F.jpg] [Image: image-959E_56328D81.jpg]


[Image: image-189F_5634F1DF.jpg]

Beth Lu Elissa bs unleashed

[Image: image-77B6_56352723.jpg]

Cali & Amelia

[Image: image-3D89_56314D73.jpg]


[Image: image-4C7B_56313E48.jpg]
26-10-2019 23:05
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #249
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 28th October :

1886 Statue of Liberty dedicated by US President Grover Cleveland celebrated by the first confetti (ticker tape) parade in New York City.

From 2014, M-L-L was carrying a torch for....

Cali Garcia

[Image: image-34FA_545162F4.jpg] [Image: image-46DE_5451614D.jpg]

From 2015,


[Image: image-F0E4_5633D88C.jpg]

Ella Mai unleashed

[Image: image-6F88_5634FBE7.jpg]

From 2017,

Priya cosplay

[Image: image-2D98_59F4D072.jpg]
[Image: image-FB14_59F4D072.jpg]
[Image: image-975B_59F4D024.jpg]

Beth cosplay

[Image: image-3B76_59F4B3B2.jpg]
28-10-2019 19:25
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #250
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 29th October :

1618 English adventurer and courtier Sir Walter Raleigh is beheaded for allegedly conspiring against King James VI (and Ist of England).

From 2014,


[Image: image-4FA9_54555F04.jpg]


[Image: image-8538_54556A9F.jpg]

[Image: image-55FB_54561391.jpg]

Paige & Ruby

[Image: image-5EC1_54555C10.jpg]

Cali & Ruby

[Image: image-2E87_545543D6.jpg]


[Image: image-14E3_545542E6.jpg]


[Image: image-C64C_5455291E.jpg]

From 2015,

Lexie Rider

[Image: image-6057_5633E5DA.jpg]
29-10-2019 19:40
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