Da Mastah
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Posts: 831
Joined: Apr 2009
Reputation: 62
An Announcement
The Master has reached a momentous occasion in His short Babe Channel Forum career - it's time for a change. A reinvention. A metamorphosis. This is something He's thought long and hard about (well, one thing He's thought long and hard about), and it was not a easy decision (His wrist still cracks occasionally - sorry, wandered off-topic again), but while we've had some good times together, sadly, it's time to say goodbye to the incomparable George Louis Costanza -
And to welcome the incomprehensible Slick Daddy of Sinfest -
Why the reinvention? To be honest, I felt I'd taken George about as far as I could, and although I admire the man greatly and strive to emulate his example on a daily basis, I am but an apprentice before The True Master. Slick on the other hand is a much closer fit to my actual personality. We both labour under the delusion that we are great artists, we're both (mostly) useless around women, and we both lust for one particularly beautiful and unnattainable woman with purple hair. And we both wear glasses.
But I'm taller than him.
Not just another pretty face
Dah Master Says: So long and thanks for all the fish!
Wait a sec... You never gave me any fish! Lousy cheapskates!
Note: That remark wasn't aimed at you, Skateguy.
13-06-2009 20:05 |
Posts: 1,773
Joined: Dec 2008
RE: An Announcement
"George is gettin' retired!"
Dreamlander-"Not that there's anything wrong with that!"
13-06-2009 20:12 |