E4 aired a pilot episode of a new programme last night, called Naked, Alone and Racing Home.
Two team of one male & one female were dropped of on Dodd Fell Hill where they handed in their clothes apart from their walking boots and socks.
No clothes, no money, no food, and they hadn't to get arrested.
They had to travel the 50kms to arrive at Skipton.
As the Yorkshire farmer said "It gets more weird as the world goes on".
It was obviously stage managed as some fur and bin liners were found before they arrived at Skipton.
The winning team got £5K for charity. The programme is being repeated at 1:40am in the morning.
This was one pilot that crashed as it was the most embarrassing programme since Keith Chegwins' Naked Jungle in 2000.
It was one Yorkshire walk with a difference.