Would you let a guy fuck you up the arse if it meant you got to fuck a hot girl at the same time?
Yes 17.78%
dogmas2010, efc81, Forum Style, kellyx2000, kingelvis, MikeGee, morayguy, Stacey
8 17.78%
No 66.67%
black knight, charles666, Chilly, ClownSpank, colino, cosmonaut, darylg, data123, dbfernandafan, Deadman 30, doggie12, elgar1uk, emperornxviii, fezza140, Gaz "AV1" Aston, groundnpound, Hester, jonzo_86, jumbo_jim, kerr100, Moderation Station, mogga, oliv3r, rover, roversnik84, seth, SOCATOA, SOOPSOOP, Theviewareonfire, Trickster
30 66.67%
Maybe 11.11%
esselad, G30RD1E, mjg123, tsurugi, wonderbra
5 11.11%
Undecided (every poll needs this option lol) 2.22%
1 2.22%
I'd fuck a guy to get to fuck a hot girl - but only if I got to do it seperately 2.22%
1 2.22%
Total: 45 votes 100%