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Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - Printable Version

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Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - adambrown81 - 24-10-2009 04:41

Hello everyone

I would like a console for chrismas so which is the best??

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - Josh187 - 24-10-2009 05:51

I've had my Xbox 360 for well over a year now mate and it's Brilliant. In my opinion they are better than the PS3 because there cheaper especially if you get the arcade or premium versions, the Xbox 360 has a wider 'variety' of games than the PS3 and the games are generally cheaper than the PS3 as well. Although the PS3 as some great features such as free online play and blue ray etc. I still would choose the Xbox 360, and although the Wii is fun and everything to be honest it isn't in the league of the Xbox 360 and PS3, anyway i hoped that helped. Smile

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - *Kal-El* - 24-10-2009 06:52

All depends on what you want from each console, all three have there good points and bad points. I myself have a PS3 and Wii as there were certain games that i wanted from each console. The best advice i can give is to look each console for what games you want for them, the price and how much you wanna spend on the console, internet connection, or if you want blu ray and make choice from there and if possible even find some where to try out the consoles. Good luck in what ever one you chose there all good consoles in there own right.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - DiduHearThat - 24-10-2009 07:21

ps3 all the way trust me

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - Moorey - 24-10-2009 09:50

If you're looking for more family-orientated fun then definitely check the Wii out. It has some great party games and stuff that will keep children really entertained if you have any.

As for PS3 vs Xbox360, pick either one you can't really go that wrong. If you want Blu Ray DVDs as well as a gaming machine pick up the PS3. It's true that Xbox has a bigger library of exclusives. Personally, I own a PS3 and a Wii.

Hopefully soon PS3 will release a patch allowing the user to play PS2 games. Or at least I've heard it's in the pipeline. Seeing as the PS2 is the most successful gaming machine that's definitely a plus if it happens.

Hope that helps.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - Brembo - 24-10-2009 16:00

The elite's only got a 120GB hard drive, the new PS3 has 250GB. No contest PS3 every time.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - D-BOI-92 - 24-10-2009 23:29

(24-10-2009 16:00 )Brembo Wrote:  The elite's only got a 120GB hard drive, the new PS3 has 250GB. No contest PS3 every time.

But you'll never use 250GB I have had an elite for the past 18 months and I still have 72GB left.
The ps3 is better built and has better software but the game selection on the xbox can't be beaten.
The game selection the wii is poor at best the console is
mainly family orientated.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - mas0887 - 26-10-2009 06:25

(24-10-2009 16:00 )Brembo Wrote:  The elite's only got a 120GB hard drive, the new PS3 has 250GB. No contest PS3 every time.

New Elites come with 250gb hard drive actually, so nyah. And 120gb is more than enough anyway, even my 60gb on my PS3 (the one that can play PS2 games) is enough, even with the mandatory install with some games and a lot of videos on it I have got 20gb, I could delete the install games and get more than 30gb on it.

But positive and negative wise (I will try and be as unbiased as possible)


+ Blu-Ray player
+ The most powerful console (when implemented correctly)
+ Free Online
+ Finally getting some good exclusives
+ Whisper Quiet
+ Internet Browser

- Not that many exclusives still and some are proper shit (Haze, Heavenly Sword, Lair)
- The most expensive
- No backwards compatibility with PS2 games atm
- You need a Bluetooth headset to communicate online, which can be expensive (and IMHO are all really crappy and uncomfortable)
- Online is not as good as Live because of the lack of funding for it
- Stupid mandatory install on some games (and huge update times)
- Tacked on really shitty motion sensitive controls for some games

Xbox 360

+ Very cheap for just the console
+ Huge selection of games, and better and more exclusives too
+ Better Online Service, with downloadable movies (although I hear the PS3 is getting this very soon)
+ Free Headset is really good
+ Partial backwards compatibility with the most popular Xbox games
+ No mandatory installs and updates take a few seconds instead of many minutes

- Less powerful than the PS3 (although the difference is very small atm)
- Online is expensive
- Can be really fucking loud (although if you use the optional install on games it is nearly as quiet as the PS3)
- No Blu-Ray
- Costs money for the rechargable aspect of the controllers
- There is a chance it could RROD (although this problem has all but been sorted with the newer batch of consoles)
- No internet browser (although that may change)


+ Cheapest of the lot
+ Best motion controls
+ Best exclusives (Metroid, Zelda, Mario) although they are few and far between
+ Quietest of the lot
+ Most family, party and fun orientated
+ Excellent Internet Browser, Online is free
+ Smallest, can fit nearly everywhere
+ Full Gamecube compatibility and massive range of Retro downloadable games

- REALLY shitty visuals in comparison to PS3/360, ridiculously bad in fact
- Games are nearly all family orientated, not many games for the serious gamer
- If you dislike motion controls then you are fucked for most games
- Games can hurt to play, especially your wrists
- Not even a DVD player
- Online is ludicrously shit, you need the Wii Speak to chat, not all games use it and there is some shit to do with friend codes that is just dumb too
- Controllers are really expensive, nearly £60 for the full set at some places

There are the things i could think about, I tried to be as fact based as I could. But the facts are, Xbox 360 for the hardcore gamer, PS3 for the person who wants an entertainment centre and Wii for people who want fun family orientated games. There are overlaps in those sections but that is the brunt of it.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - allan1888 - 26-10-2009 14:54

Out of all three consoles i would choose the 360 everytime . Mostly down to the fact i prefer the controller and the online service . Also on the reliability front my 360 has lasted much longer than my ps3 . im on my 2nd xbox 360 and my 4th ps3 and my 360 gets played constantly . It really comes down to personal preference though and what games you enjoy playing .. My ps3 is used for uncharted 2 at the moment and my wii is not used at all at the moment

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - Moorey - 26-10-2009 16:24

Just to add something to what Mas said, you can use a USB headset on the PS3, I've only tried wired but it worked just fine. So you don't actually need a bluetooth headset.