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A big hello - Printable Version

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A big hello - SuperSpurs - 30-11-2008 21:14

Hello Everyone,

I'm a director on one of the channels mentioned on this site. I won't say which one yet because I'm new to it and you'll see why below.

Anyway, this is a brilliant forum and I'll be round here quite a bit I think. I've directed lots of well-known TV shows on BBC, Discovery etc but I ended up doing this because I was skint and there was not enough work around in normal telly. And guess what? I love it! One of the best shows I did was Sin Cities on Bravo Channel. That was the best fun I've ever had in my life. Whenever I go out on the piss with Ashley Hames, the presenter, I'm constantly amazed at how many people come up to us to say what a brilliant show it was - like the time I had Ash bollock naked on all fours getting a red wine enema from a tranny - I was laughing so much the camera was shaking all over the place, you can even hear us pissing ourselves in the background. I couldn't believe I was getting paid for it. Doing this babe channel stuff now though, is great - and I think it's the future!!

I'm just wondering if you lovely people out there could give me a hand with something? Myself and one of the other directors have decided that we're going to start our own Babe channel. It's going to cost every penny we have, we'll have to sell our (shit) cars and start a business in the middle of a recesssion - but we reckon we can do a better job than a lot of other people out there.

This is where you come in. If anyone would like to tell us what you want from an ideal babe channel, then we'll try and take it on board and give it to you. It's still early days but we hope to be on air in 2 or 3 months. Tell us everything that you want to see and we'll sort you out with some fat freebies and treats. What things are your faves? What don't you like? What floats your boat? Let us know and we'll make sure we return the favour to you....

Cheers for now, and we'll keep you posted with how it's all coming together. Have a say in how to make a babe channel. YOU can be a part of it. Go on, you know you want to.....x

RE: A big hello - *Kal-El* - 30-11-2008 22:31

welcome to the forum superspurs Smile

RE: A big hello - *Kal-El* - 30-11-2008 22:33

i've got a few ideas Smile

RE: A big hello - limpwrist - 30-11-2008 22:42

Hi SuperSpurs, 1st off, welcome to the forums!

Channel wise i see from reading some of the threads here and other places. The biggest problem seems to be people paying for a service that they are not getting. Such as channel website homepages advertising tasty updates only to find once registered it old pic's/vid's maybe re-edited. So from my point of view to have a really successful business is to advertise well but to also offer fully and maybe even exceed what you advertise. Hopefully that makes sense!

Maybe even try and bring back some old school stuff (i know flash the gash is out of the window). Even if its only at weekends, there could be a couple of the babes chatting, reading out txt's and just generally having fun getting all the viewers involved. Rather than just sorting out one guy at a time with one-on-one chat!

Hardcore webshows, maybe even get a couple on board to have the odd boy/girl night!

I have loads more ideas, drawing some blanks at the mo but will update as i think of the ideas buddy.

Hope some of this helped!

Anyway welcome dude, hope you have fun and fine what need!


RE: A big hello - SuperSpurs - 30-11-2008 23:37

Thanks LW, for the advice. Really appreciate it mate..

I've noticed that there's a fair few quid to be made in this game - not mega money, but a nice living, and by ploughing it back into the production - and looking after your customers, it should work out well.

Just look at all the people on here and how keen everyone is - It's not rocket science is it? I'm going to sort everyone out with a fair deal - the customers, the girls, and have a nice little set-up. I'm working on getting the license and studio sorted at the moment, and I want to make it sweet for all the fans on here so that everyone starts saying that the new place will be the place to go. Fair enough don't ya reckon?

The main thing for now is working out how the legislation with Ofcom is going to go and then working back from there with how much we can get away with smut-wise. I've always been a believer that you can make things really erotic with creativity and imagination just as much as out and out rudeness. We'll have a website too running alongside, so anything that we can't do on telly, we'll do on the interweb..

Cheers Geez and do keep in touch - it's fans and afficionados like you that producers need to listen to - that way everyone's happy....

Come on you Spurs!

RE: A big hello - wastou - 01-12-2008 00:06

My tip invest in a good camera that gives a clear picture(real technical I know) its a real shame when you can't see whats going on because of the poor picture quality or bad lighting, plus to many babes on screen at the same time is not good eitheir, my own personal vue is that two is the maximum number at any one time. Also bit pathetic I know but bangabes for example correct me if im wrong seem to work in shifts of 45 minutes on with 15 minutes off so its easy to work out when a girl is about to come back on or go off. Good look with the venture hope its works for you, plus get some different babes to the ones that are on telly now afterall variety is the spice of life.

RE: A big hello - BelfastBadBoy - 01-12-2008 00:53

SuperSpurs Wrote:Hello Everyone,

I'm a director on one of the channels mentioned on this site. I won't say which one yet because I'm new to it and you'll see why below.

Do i sense a Jerry Maguire moment here? lol Working for one of the channels then saying your going to go up against them in the future lol

Welcome mister big balls lol

RE: A big hello - skateguy - 01-12-2008 02:42

Hi there & welcome. I presume you've declined to say which channel you work for as you don't want your employer to find out about your plans to go it alone. I'm a little puzzled though as you've given such detailed information about yourself both in this thread and the UKBC intro thread that it'd be easy for anyone associated with your channel to identify you, unless of course you've created a false profile and details to throw them off the scent....

RE: A big hello - Bosse - 01-12-2008 02:59

Before you just launch a new channel to the already dominated call girl platform it would probably be a good idea to try something different first, like setting up a website, it doesn't have to be anything special, but it could be kind of like a NASA launch, since the countdown is always the most exciting part, once you've made the name and got the channel number, its pretty simple after that, for example, if you have 7 girls, then 7 nights before you are ready to go, have a preview of each girl at 00:00 to build up hype, it gives guys a taste of what they can expect to see, and theres probably lots more things you could do with something like that too to whet the appetite.

RE: A big hello - Mister Gummidge - 01-12-2008 05:22

Hello SuperSpurs and welcome to the forums. Slightly jealous of you're job mate! I agree with everything the other guys here have said but can I also add, please let the girls be themselves instead of trying to make them all conform to a silly stereotype of "sexiness", husky whispering on the mike etc. There's loads of gorgeous girls out there but the ones us blokes on here seem to remember most are the ones with personality as well as looks.

Also on a side note remember that not everyone is a caller, some people just watch and occasionally send the odd text. Try charging less for texts, after all 150 texts at sent at twenty five pence will earn you more than ten sent at one pound fifty.