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Hello from Kelly! - Printable Version

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Hello from Kelly! - Kelly Bell - 04-12-2008 11:05

HI ya,

Thought it time I dropped in-especially as I have been saying Hi to ya for a while now!

Anyways, for those that don't know me, I'm Kelly Bell & I will now familiarise myself with the forum & be generally nosey!

Feel free to say Hi & I will get back to you, maybe not rite away but I will!

See ya laterz

Kells xx xo

RE: Hello from Kelly! - skateguy - 04-12-2008 11:07

Hi Kelly, great to see you've made it on to the forum. I'm sure Sarah thanked you from us all, but again thanks for the forum shout-outs you gave Smile

Hope you have some fun on here...

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Kelly Bell - 04-12-2008 11:11

She did indeed! I foned her in my break as I didn't know if anyone saw it but ya did!

Hey it was a pleasure & more to come ;-)

Oh & Mr Admin, when you read this *stamps Feet* I WANT PINK-I WANT PINK!! There, should get a pink name now hehe

Kells xx

RE: Hello from Kelly! - *Kal-El* - 04-12-2008 11:25

Hi kelly, welcome to the forum. its really nice to have yo on here Smile

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Kelly Bell - 04-12-2008 11:29

Pleasures mine!

Seems a friendly place of sorts *rolls eyes* & just finding my way around & tripping over the odd thread. Jeez you guys know your stuff, I'm astonished at the knowledge!

Thanks for the warm welcome on a cold day & get to know you all soon

Kells x

RE: Hello from Kelly! - *Kal-El* - 04-12-2008 11:32

How you been today kelly?

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Kelly Bell - 04-12-2008 11:36

All good thanx Kalel, you really 76? (teasing you btw) was hoping for snow but we only have rain boo-hiss!

Thanx babe

Kells xx

RE: Hello from Kelly! - admin. - 04-12-2008 12:14

Kelly Bell Wrote:Oh & Mr Admin, when you read this *stamps Feet* I WANT PINK-I WANT PINK!! There, should get a pink name now hehe


Forum Admin

RE: Hello from Kelly! - *Kal-El* - 04-12-2008 12:20

Kelly Bell Wrote:All good thanx Kalel, you really 76? (teasing you btw) was hoping for snow but we only have rain boo-hiss!

Thanx babe

Kells xx

The 76 part kinda gives away how old i am, a lot of people think am a hell of lot younger then i am, they end up thinking am about 20. Which is good in one way but bad in another as sometimes get school girls trying it on Sad

RE: Hello from Kelly! - TheWatcher - 04-12-2008 13:46

Hi Kelly, just googled you to see if you were the Kelly from Freeview SmileTV party girls or a different Kelly.
I don't have Sky and so do not know a lot the girls named in this forum.
It gave me your web site
which has some very nice pictures of you and answered my question.
There is also a Wikipedia entry for you as well.
Welcome to the forum.