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On the Pad today, 1 day only - Printable Version

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On the Pad today, 1 day only - Kelly Bell - 30-03-2010 10:28

Kinda Black Lace today, on soon & only one day this week.

Hope you like the outfit! After the stress I've had I need you guys to tune in & let me feel those thoughts! Blush Cheer me right up!!

I need you to do something for me Wink

See you soon sexy boys!

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - Ronaldo 7 - 30-03-2010 10:37

1 day what a bummer,gonna have to make the most of it then.

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - rickhardo - 30-03-2010 11:23

Love the outfit Kells, just wish you were on more often. xx

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - StridentOnanist - 30-03-2010 11:56

Corrrr!! Lookin' the business today, Kelly. Heart

Have to break open a new box of tissues in celebration. Blush

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - mikejg069 - 30-03-2010 12:08

Looking fantastic today Kelly x

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - WellHeeled - 30-03-2010 12:09

WOW! Been watching for a while and Kelly's choice of hosiery is amazing!

Tights with a suspender effect in them make that tight bum mighty appealing Smile

Though it's left me feeling awfully stiff this afternoon...

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - Rammyrascal - 30-03-2010 12:27

wow wow wow very stunning outfit kellster. really shows off your boobs and your very nice bum

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - gringo72 - 30-03-2010 14:42

Tried to give you a call 4 times today only to get complete silence after listening to the 90sec message at £1.50 a min. I know it ain't your fault kelly but not happy with the people running the show.

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - frozenchicken - 30-03-2010 15:02

Love the outfit today. Maybe I need to start posting some Kelly vids too!

RE: On the Pad today, 1 day only - Ro1982 - 30-03-2010 17:36

MY GOD what an outfit her ass looks amazing in it, no words to describe how hot this woman is.