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Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - Printable Version

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Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - Ally-Lou - 23-01-2009 19:26

hey guys i am going on a shopping trip this weekend and i want to know what fantasy outfits u would like me to wear on babestation and partypeople daytime?
what do u men like us girls wearing
whats ur fantasy outfit ???? xxxxxx

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - bowiefan3 - 23-01-2009 19:40

i think you should choose yourself,i'm sure you know what will get fella's blood boiling lol

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - Firebird - 23-01-2009 19:51

OK full comlplete all over lycra outfit no other garments (any colour preferably white) Tongue And black or red hi heels Smile I can just picture that now!!!!

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - Shady - 23-01-2009 20:05

firebird Wrote:OK full comlplete all over lycra outfit no other garments (any colour preferably white) Tongue And black or red hi heels Smile I can just picture that now!!!!

Lycra's always a winner!

Anything skin tight, figure hugging and can only be removed by peeling is good Big Grin

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - cherryryder - 23-01-2009 20:09

also, a short, tight skirt...cant emphasise short and tight enough...tight-t-t-t-t-t...

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - Shady - 23-01-2009 20:14

cherryryder Wrote:also, a short, tight skirt...cant emphasise short and tight enough...tight-t-t-t-t-t...

Hope you weren't planning on moving around the PP couch then Ali LOL

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - Ally-Lou - 23-01-2009 20:15

yes i was lol i love rubbing up and down the couch hehehe Smile no i do love rollling around on the beanbags tho x

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - G@Z! - 23-01-2009 20:16

and i love watching you Tongue

RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - cherryryder - 23-01-2009 20:18

Ali, why don't you do a few Party People late shows...? We'd all be howling like dogs on heat! Tongue


RE: Ali's fantasy costumes any ideas????? - Ally-Lou - 23-01-2009 20:20

i am sorting it out i was meant to start 2 weeks ago but i live so far away i couldnt get in at 3am! so were discussing accomdation for me xxxxx