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new buffy movie - firekind - 04-06-2009 18:11

anyone hear about this? it sounds like they are redoing buffy but minus everything that made the show great. no whedon. none of the original cast or characters. its sounding like it will be a copy of twilight which was a buffy rip off.

RE: new buffy movie - Shandy - 04-06-2009 18:56

yup so i am choosing to ignore it. and it also messes up Anthony Head's hopes of getting Ripper made in any form until its done.

RE: new buffy movie - firekind - 04-06-2009 21:01

not necessarily. i think the proper buffy is done and dusted sadly. this film has zero to do with the show. if anything i would say the film would give whedon the push to finally do ripper or even a spike film/series with any luck

RE: new buffy movie - Bunna - 04-06-2009 21:06

here's a link

RE: new buffy movie - Shandy - 04-06-2009 21:42

i think that this possible new film will stop Ripper as the project would have to get the okays of 20th Century Fox and producers Fran & Kaz Kuzai, who are pitching the new big-screen version of Buffy, and if they're trying to do this brand new version, they won't won't attention drawn away from it.

RE: new buffy movie - firekind - 04-06-2009 22:56

first thing. there is no ripper project. its just a rumour that has been going around before buffy ended. the bbc were rumoured to be doing this. it was to be an mature (anyone who watches buffy and knows it isnt a kids show wonders what the fuck mature means) version of the buffyverse set in england. that turned into the scatfest that is torchwood. if dr who would have failed we would likely have a ripper series by now.

i do think the buffyverse was too interesting and brilliantly made to just end like it did. there should be some continuation of that world. i would be very happy if they did a show around xander. hes the one character i think we all could relate to. that was until he got his shit together anyway. i always found him suddenly being a boss on a building site a total cop out.

RE: new buffy movie - Shandy - 04-06-2009 23:06

firekind Wrote:first thing. there is no ripper project. its just a rumour that has been going around before buffy ended. the bbc were rumoured to be doing this. it was to be an mature (anyone who watches buffy and knows it isnt a kids show wonders what the fuck mature means) version of the buffyverse set in england. that turned into the scatfest that is torchwood. if dr who would have failed we would likely have a ripper series by now.

i do think the buffyverse was too interesting and brilliantly made to just end like it did. there should be some continuation of that world. i would be very happy if they did a show around xander. hes the one character i think we all could relate to. that was until he got his shit together anyway. i always found him suddenly being a boss on a building site a total cop out.

Its not a rumour, both anthony head and joss whedon want to make it, in the same way joss & james marsters want to make a spike spinoff too, but things just haven't fallen into place for it to fall in place. i was saying project as a hypothetical, for the subject of discussion, thus i said "the project would have to....", not "the project has to...."

RE: new buffy movie - firekind - 05-06-2009 00:05

i know what you mean, but they arent even at a screen writing stage. joss would also love to make firefly last longer. just because that guy wants to do something dosent mean it will happen. especially not now with a second series of dollhouse on the way.

i imagine everyone except princess gellar would kill to work with joss again. this is the guy who wrote and directed a musical buffy episode in the middle of a season like it was an ordinary episode. that was probably the greatest hour of tv ever. so inventive, creative and it actually fitted into the show and because of this episode certain shit got said. its not like it happened then the next episode was just another episode. the musical episode was actually very integral to what happened to tara and the season as a whole.

i miss buffy Smile

one thing that i find wierd about whedon is this. one of my most favourite action films is speed. can you guess who did work on the script???

one film that i think is great but is hated by everyone is waterworld. he worked on the script.

he worked on the toy story script.

its wierd the shit he did that i liked before he did buffy

RE: new buffy movie - Bunna - 05-06-2009 00:33

Well the link says: Fran Rubel Kuzui, director of the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie, is looking to put together a relaunch of the movie franchise that would be unrelated to the TV series.
Therefore the Buffyverse would be unaffected & Joss whedon would be able to continue with any future projects related to the Buffyverse whether it be Ripper or a Spike/Faith series.

RE: new buffy movie - Shandy - 05-06-2009 00:36

yes the 2nd season of dollhouse is the other factor in the way of a possible ripper tv movie/series/whatever, but they have a basic plot already in mind as Head's mentioned whenever questioned. I'm not saying it will happen, i'm saying they want it to happen. my initial post was just that if it were to go ahead, this movie will hinder it, thats all.