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RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - Sarah - 29-10-2008 11:15

There are a lot of men that belong to this forum, a forum dedicated to fit girls.

A lot of you are Fathers & Grandfathers I'm sure, so whats your verdict on this fiasco?

I will post the transcript below.
Quote:First message) Russell Brand: Hello Andrew Sachs, this is Russell Brand… you are meant to be on my show now, mate… I am here with Jonathan Ross. I could still do the interview to your answerphone.

Jonathan Ross: Let’s do it…

Brand: Man… er, Andrew Sachs.

Ross: Don’t call him Manuel, that’s really bad manners. I apologise for Russell – he’s an idiot.

Brand: I said Andrew Sachs! Look Andrew Sachs, I have got respect for you and your lineage and your progeny, never let that be questioned.

Ross: Don’t hint…

Brand: I weren’t hinting! Why did that come across as a hint?

Ross: Because you know what you did.

Brand: That wasn’t a hint.

Ross: He f***ed your granddaughter!
Brand: That’s his answerphone!

Ross: I’m sorry… I apologise Andrew, I apologise, I can’t help it, you were talking about it and it was in my head, I apologise.

Brand: Jonathan!

Ross: I got excited, what can I say, it just came out.

Brand: Right. You wait till I come on your show. Andrew Sachs, I did not do nothing with Georgina… oh no, I revealed I know her name! Oh no, it’s a disaster! Abort, abort! Put the phone down, code red, code red! I’m sorry Mr Fawlty, I’m sorry. You’re a waste of space! Oh no, Jonathan…

Ross: If he is like most people of a certain age, he has probably got a picture of his grandchildren when they were young and innocent right by the phone. So while he is listening to the message, he is looking at a picture of her when she was about nine on a swing…

Brand: She was on a swing when I met her. Let’s ring back Andrew Sachs.

(Second message) Ross: Hello! Manuel here!

Sachs’s answer machine: Sorry I can’t answer at the moment…

Brand: [interrupting] I am too busy thinking about killing myself. Andrew, this is

Russell Brand. I am so sorry about the last message – it was part of the radio show, it was a mistake. The truth is I am phoning you to ask if I can marry – that’s right, marry – Georgina the granddaughter.

Ross: Let’s just sing to him.

Brand: I’ll make up something as I go along.

(Third message) Brand: [singing] I’d like to apologise for the terrible attacks, Andrew Sachs, I would like to show contrition to the max, Andrew Sachs. I would like to create world peace, between the yellow, white and blacks, Andrew Sachs, Andrew Sachs. I said something I didn’t have oughta, like I had sex with your granddaughter. But it was consensual and she wasn’t menstrual, it was consensual lovely sex. It was full of respect I sent her a text, I’ve asked her to marry me, Andrew Sachs.

(Fourth message) Brand: I am sorry, I am so sorry… that I had a difficult life, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry Andrew. Let’s just take some time together, we can meet up.

I ask as there are various ways of looking at this.

Interesting, isn't it, that only a handful (less than half a dozen) people complained about this when it went out live or was on the BBC iplayer.

The Mail On Sunday, looking for something to fill their front page, over a week after it was broadcast, and after Brand had initially apologised, made a big fuss out of it so they could forward their anti BBC/Jonathan Ross agenda.

A producer - the person who probably should have stopped the call when it was being made, and certainly should not have okayed it for broadcast - will probably lose their job.

Look at the people who are getting involved in it now, and ask yourself why they are getting involved.

But ringing a 78 year old man & saying that is quite disgusting & I'm sure the Fathers here will agree.


Were 10000 people really offended by it? No, they just want to complain. When you have people like Kelvin McKenzie and Piers Moron wading in on the whole thing you wonder why they are doing it - not because they are offended but because they see a bit of a earner for themselves in it, a way to make themselves look good in the public eye.

The Mail sells papers, Brand and Ross (they both have new books just out) get loads of publicity. Sachs will probably sell his story to a weekend paper, his granddaughter has already got Max Clifford on the case and will sell her story (probably to The News Of The World) and the Satanic Sluts (the burlesque group she is a member of) will get more attention than they know what to do with. Mr and Mr Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells get to feel the warm glow of the ecstasy of sanctimony. People get to act big and tough threatening violence from behind a computer screen.

Who loses out, here? Really?

I have posted this as I wondered what are the thoughts of everyday people really are, people that are quite sensible & have an unbiased opinion.

Thoughts please.

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - max_roselyn - 29-10-2008 11:23

I don't watch or listen to the BBC but I still have to pay for it.

I'm disappointed that my money is spent on offending an old man, as he says he did find it offensive, and I will be asking for the licence fee to be refunded.

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - Sarah - 29-10-2008 11:30

I can't make my mind up on Russell, looks & dresses like an idiot yet has bursts of comic genius.

This is what he said of Kimberley Stewart, Rod Stewart's Daughter
click here

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - dondoe returns - 29-10-2008 12:19

Very Unsavory excuse what so-ever for leaving the messages on his answer phone....As for peeps not complaining till it was brought to their attention by the papers...isn't that true of most things????
Would we be complaining about the goings on in Zimbawae,if it was not for the media bringing it to our attention...if they didn't we'd be in blissful ignorance...

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - rhodes - 29-10-2008 12:26

Most people found to leaving such ansafone messages on anyone's phone whilst at work would be sacked immediately?

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - aaron - 29-10-2008 12:56

rhodes Wrote:Most people found to leaving such ansafone messages on anyone's phone whilst at work would be sacked immediately?

Very true rhodes. In fact if this had happened on a local BBC radio station with little known broadcasters they would be sacked already. BBC insiders have already said this. But being celebrities might save these two.

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - skully - 29-10-2008 14:20

Apparently they have been suspeded, but I don't know what to make of the situation. I think they were out of order, but I think they will get away with it due to the number of listeners/viewers they bring to the beeb...bad taste on the part of everyone involved in my opinion!

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - Sarah - 29-10-2008 14:32

There will be an awful lot of money made this weekend & they both have books just out, so the publicity generated will not do that any harm.

Russell Brand is employed by the BBC (or rather, his production company is commissioned to make a weekly radio show for the BBC) because he is near the knuckle - he's been sacked from two previous jobs in broadcasting for crossing the line - it's what makes his show so listenable. Jonathan Ross doesn't go so close to the line but is in a similar vein. If I want anodyne radio I'll listen to some commercial station.

The failure here was one of control. Brand's whole schtick is that he sails close to the wind, half the point of a producer for these types of shows is to keep them in check.

You know what you get with Russell Brand (why he left MTV is fairly well known, and the story of him being fired by XFM is quite amusing) so you need to keep him on quite tight reins. They failed to do that; the people who didn't step in when they should have are the ones who should be reprimanded.

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - skully - 29-10-2008 14:47

Very true, it's not as simple as giving Russell and Jonathan a slap on the wrist, the producer(s) should of reined them before things got out of hand. Two funny, but imature guys need to be told when to stop, this didn't happen and Manuel from Faulty Towers suffered as a concequence.

RE: RUSSELL BRAND & JONATHON ROSS - BelfastBadBoy - 29-10-2008 17:38

Ross wont get sacked, he makes the BBC way too much money. Brand on the other hand i like about a year ago but its the same thing now and ive went right off him. Hopefully Brand gets sacked but Ross is definetly safe. I like Ross but he has lots of haters.

Personaly they were in the wrong and if it was my grand daughter id want them both sacked too.

From what i hear though she's not publicity shy herself but it doesnt excuse the phonecall