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Favourite Games Of all Time - Printable Version

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RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - A Spider Monkey - 07-01-2009 00:13

kalel76 Wrote:is the add on via a download?

It is. But I believe there will be a disc version brought out soon after. There had been rumours that the add on was going to be free. But I seriously doubt that it will be as Microsoft had to pay a hefty whack to get it exclusive to Xbox, so they will want to get their money back.

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - *Kal-El* - 07-01-2009 00:17

Well i hopt for your sake that they give it as a free download, would be nice for once that they gave something back.

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - mega79 - 07-01-2009 00:44

Gta vice city, taking over the mansion, finding my very own helicopter on the roof, buying the nightclub, the 80's classic music, beating that tw@t in a car race outside the night club, playing it for the first time jumping on to a moped riding along with billie jean playing on the radio, what a game.

hey hey hey its Mr V.....lmao

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - *Kal-El* - 07-01-2009 02:54

GTA vice city was one of the best gta games.

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - steven6 - 07-01-2009 21:28

i cant say, theres too many

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - D-BOI-92 - 29-03-2009 05:34

I can't believe nobody mentioned the gears of war series!
That has to be the best game I have ever played!
Just got 1000 points off resident evil 5 which is nearly as good

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - Shalashaska - 20-04-2009 04:51

metal gear solid games rule.
also fallout 3 is amazing

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - rumbletum - 20-04-2009 09:57

I loved both FF VII and X - brilliant storylines (which are rarely seen) which sucked you in and made sure you continued playing to see what happened next.

My all time fave game though hasn't been mentioned. I absolutely loved the ULTIMA series (I think it was Ultima 8 that was my all-time fave). I notice no-one has named any RPG's (other than Diablo which some say is and some say isn't a true RPG).

Reading this thread has brought back some good memories of the thousands of hours I must have spent playing games - from the original ZX 80 (wasn't a Commodore fan) right through to the PC and PS2 (ot really into consoles either) - thanks for starting this thread Big Grin

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - Hazhard - 20-04-2009 10:19

Grand theft auto san andereas and the legend of zelda games

RE: Favourite Games Of all Time - ǝʌɐʍǝpɐןq - 20-04-2009 12:13

Gosh, favorite games? Where do I start?

Final Fantasy: FFV, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII.
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.

The Devil May Cry series is also pretty awesome.

skateguy Wrote:The enjoyment I got from it at the time has never been matched by another game.

Hence the avatar. Right?