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Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - Printable Version

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RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - StanTheMan - 16-10-2010 15:34

(16-10-2010 09:40 )Sootbag1 Wrote:  Ruby, if you turn into a hardcore nights girl who spends 6 hours a night butt naked, slapping your pussy and giving air blow-jobs, then you'll have lost one fan (but probably gained a thousand more bladewave).

Christ! I'm already a fan, but if she got up to those kinds of shenanigans, I'd be an even bigger one!! Bring it on!

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - Sootbag1 - 16-10-2010 15:46

And now for an alternative view........

Ruby never said she was on TVX. She posted 'XXXX' (ie. 4 kisses) on Twitter and somehow in posting this on the forum, it got mis-read as 'TVX'. This led to page 1 of the thread turning into a piss-take of Ruby..... "gotta love her ability to plug the wrong channel"...... "channel hoping so much she doesn't know where she is"...... "forgotten who she works for"...... etc when it wasn't her mistake. When she points out that it's tapit54 who made the error (and, incidently, asking why was everyone making such a big thing about it), suddenly the forum hits back, saying ........."he made a mistake, don't have a go"..... "disrespectful"....... "attitude stinks"........ "the mistake was no big deal"....... We can't have it both ways now, can we.

I'd like to know who on this forum actually rang Ruby last night, and whether they felt "cheated" by what they got for their money. I'll be honest, I didn't ring her up. So the fact that I was sitting at home watching it and freeloading off the guys who were actually putting their hand in their pockets to cough up the money that allows me to watch Ruby without paying for the pleasure, is a pretty big factor. So I ask again, who phoned Ruby up last night? And to those guys, do you feel cheated by what you got for your money? If any of us actually did phone up, I suspect we're pretty content with Ruby's efforts.

What's pissed me off about much of the comment on this forum is that it's from people who can never be satisfied. Whatever she did, you'd want more, and then more, and then more. Well, you guys are more than adequately catered for elseware amongst the 900s. Why start slagging Ruby off for a "piss poor performance" just because you didn't get what you're after. What were you expecting???

Ruby's attitude doesn't "stink" - she calls it as she sees it. Sometimes I agree with her, sometimes I don't. She's a fiesty gal for sure, but at least she has opinions and ideas, and the confidence to express them to an otherwise pretty hostile crowd. How much credit does she ever get for engaging with her critics and putting a perspective across that many of us would never otherwise consider?

It's a shame that in the world of 'babe channel nights', this forum only has room for one type of performance. Because if you dare to try something a bit classier, we'll be sending you a job application to go and work on the tills at Sainsburys. I'm sorry, but for me, that is a attitude "beyond contempt".

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - smoothc - 16-10-2010 16:17

Ignore the haters hun! Those titties are looking RIGHT.

For what it's worth [Image: luu0h.gif]

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - tapit54 - 16-10-2010 17:10

Oops! It looks like I've started something unsavoury, which was not my intention at all. All I wanted to do was highlight the fact that Ruby was doing a nightshow.

I made my original post in the wrong thread which the mods corrected in due course (even I can make errors sometimes).

I really feel that I should just go and throw myself under a bus for causing all this grief to the forum members!

I won't be posting any further in this thread just in case I divulge an further incorrect information.

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - Rammyrascal - 16-10-2010 17:26

its great youre standing up for ruby sootbag1 but the way Ruby has responded today to the negative comments about her show last night is wrong. Ruby is entitled to defend herself against the negative comments but to be so agressive and hostile to the people who made the negative comments is out of order. Ruby should have responded in a more civilised mannner and the hostility towards her would have been a lot less.

me myself i liked ruby's show last night and the only thing i didnt like was the fact that as soon as ruby got her boobs out she put them back away. i like ruby as a babe because she has a gorgeous figure and also love her fiestiness but she should at times have to cool it

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - Miss Ruby Summers - 16-10-2010 17:40

ARRHHH JESUS.....Yes im really sorry for having an Angry opinion...Next time i'll say, thanks for all the lovley comments sorry for those of you that didnt like my show.

Its just stupidly pathetic that you guys can say what the hell you like, to which i have a reaction too, but ohhh no as soon as Ruby responds i should be nice like all of you.

From my GOOD CAllers that phone me you'll know i freaking love all your ass's, but for some guys its just wayyyy to much. Everyone should know by now im a real women, not just a dollybird, and thats why my 'CALLERS' love speaking with me.

Tapit i werent having ago at him, but its just like why bother with a whole page of comments saying what sootbag1 quoted....Like she dont even know what channel she's on and arrhhh god its just sooo frustrating.

Yes and sootbag1 id love to know how many of these guys on the forum do call me??? Hmmm not many so its really not a problem.

Im not saying you cant say negative stuff on here, but does it need to go on for in every 1 out of 4 comments? and then to detail it so much, like spend time on writting nice things about us or dont write anything at all as its hardly not going to cause a reaction, i mean its not rocket science is it. And just because certain abbes have been through this.....cant memeber who said that, doesnt mean u need to analyse in such great detail...

Like it was moan moan moan to see me on nights n to see tits, ohhh now youve seen them its still moan moan moan about what i didnt do etc.... if people did that to you about hat u were doing youd feel to say well forget it then whats the point.

I Love my Job, i do prefer daytimes,MAybe naughty Ruby will be kept for my private fans at least. xxxxxx

P.S sootbag1 notice how both of your posts having really been picked up on...Ohhhh the truth hurts! xxx love u darling

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - Chilly - 16-10-2010 18:00

(16-10-2010 17:40 )Miss Ruby Summers Wrote:  Im not saying you cant say negative stuff on here, but does it need to go on for in every 1 out of 4 comments? and then to detail it so much, like spend time on writting nice things about us or dont write anything at all as its hardly not going to cause a reaction, i mean its not rocket science is it. And just because certain abbes have been through this.....cant memeber who said that, doesnt mean u need to analyse in such great detail...

It was me. Ah, so we can say negative things, but not go into any detail. bladewave Nah, think we'll just do what we've always done on here, and if anything crosses the line, then the mods will deal with it. Cool

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - chrislatimer - 16-10-2010 18:08

if we were out of order our posts would be removed ruby summers, we have a right to comment on anything on this here forum.

and a other point you have the right to have a go at people dissing you, But you made it worse by dissing people who were being nice to you

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - Rammyrascal - 16-10-2010 18:15

not saying you should be nice ruby, just be less agressive that's all

RE: Ruby Summers (Dannie Low) on Nights - Miss Ruby Summers - 16-10-2010 18:21

So i should be less agressive....and you guys should be??? less??

Nice to know you guys have put another maybe other girls off doing a nightshow again....Seems im not the only one...wayheyyy

And rammyrascal i know youve been a fan...well of everygirl..hahaha....but its like finally show my tits....and then comments are just moaning ab out how long they werent out for...Like seriously WTF? ANyway....Im off to go shopping...and get eady for nude shoot......OHHHHH the joys!!!!!!

(16-10-2010 18:15 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  not saying you should be nice ruby, just be less agressive that's all