RE: Babestation review thread. - vila - 24-10-2009 13:23
(24-10-2009 05:15 )SxciiSooky Wrote: Well then a discussion about the relevancy of the topic of that thread is also on topic 
I realised that after I posted. I was hoping you wouldn't notice. Past experience should have taught me better! 
(24-10-2009 11:27 )TheWatcher Wrote: You also forgot Jodie, Jade, TJ, Lolly, Jenna, Sammie, Tara and Angel Long. 
Plus Annie and Chloe (the sweet little blonde one who was only around for a few weeks, not the French one).
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - matt38 - 24-10-2009 19:13
I suppose everybody has either seen the clips or watched the show last night from Amanda, what further proof do the idiot producers at Cellcast need that they are in charge of something that is dying. How can they continue to say that the show on FV has to be toned down, if they did'nt see it then someone had better show them a clip from last night. They have got the ammunition to fire back with in the girls they have got, but if things don't start to change soon, ie tonight then the show will dye out because no one will be watching. To make matters even worse Tiffany was doing a naked shower scene on Elite, more then she ever done on BS. I think from previous events the producers and the girls read these comments so come on people get your show back before it is to late.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - BIGBOOTS - 24-10-2009 19:20
Just wondering if someone can help, i used to watch babestation about 6 months ago, well it might have been call girls live not really sure, and im trying to find out the name of a girl, she was blonde and had paw prints on her tits
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Big Boobies - 24-10-2009 19:23
(24-10-2009 19:13 )matt38 Wrote: I suppose everybody has either seen the clips or watched the show last night from Amanda, what further proof do the idiot producers at Cellcast need that they are in charge of something that is dying. How can they continue to say that the show on FV has to be toned down, if they did'nt see it then someone had better show them a clip from last night. They have got the ammunition to fire back with in the girls they have got, but if things don't start to change soon, ie tonight then the show will dye out because no one will be watching. To make matters even worse Tiffany was doing a naked shower scene on Elite, more then she ever done on BS. I think from previous events the producers and the girls read these comments so come on people get your show back before it is to late.
Yes Cellcast we all agree. Why cant you copy the BangBabes and Elite standard of content that they have recently (LAST NIGHT!) shown.Tiffany has never been as "risque" as that on Babestation and Amandas section was on Freeview as well;YES IT CAN BE DONE and is legal! PLEASE SORT OUT THE BABESTATION SHOWS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!! FOR US AND YOU.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - matt38 - 24-10-2009 19:28
As I have no idea as to how long Cellcast have been showing on Freeview, but as of now they have no right to call themselves the best show on Freeview, Bangbabes have been on for a matter of days and allready, BS has been blown clean out of the water, They have got the ammunition to fight back, but it is the people in charge who don't know how to use them.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - TheWatcher - 24-10-2009 19:46
I saw Amanda last night, you may have seen my screenshots or other people's vids. I did not see Tiff's shower scene on Elite until I downloaded and watched josh's excellent vid this afternoon.
These were like a trip back in time to the good old PartyGirls days. I remember Tiff getting fully naked then and Amanda's raunchy performances.
I just hope that Elite will follow Bangbabes and eventually come to freeview.
In the mean time, my new strategy is to watch whatever BS has to offer for 30 minutes or so live at midnight and record Bangbabes at 3.00am while asleep. All 4 shows have been worth watching so far and I quite like the shorter 2½ hour length of the show.
Amanda has posted that she is on again tonight.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Big Boobies - 24-10-2009 19:58
Yes Tiffany naked in the shower;she was great but hasnt been like that since the original PartyGirls;What a fantastic show that was! I really think and hope that BangBabes on Freeview could (and should) be a WAKE-UP call to Cellcast before its too late.BangBabes are hoping to be on Freeview soon from midnight apparently! They certainly have had a GREAT first few days much better than BS which has been on for much longer!But if Elite also started on Freeview how many viewers would still watch "Tamestation" if it survived!?
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - matt38 - 24-10-2009 20:07
If any further proof is needed that BS is dying on its arse, poor old Yvette is on at the moment begging for a caller, it has only been on for 5 minutes. The balls in your court Cellcast.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Big Boobies - 24-10-2009 20:20
(24-10-2009 20:07 )matt38 Wrote: If any further proof is needed that BS is dying on its arse, poor old Yvette is on at the moment begging for a caller, it has only been on for 5 minutes. The balls in your court Cellcast.
That seems to happen regularly though doesnt it especially daytimes as well. I bet you cant get through to BangBabes or Elite.......Sorry but I think drastic action is needed and SOON!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - matt38 - 24-10-2009 20:45
From what we have learnt about Amanda last night, Jemma will def be joining her in the near future.