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RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - hairbald - 11-10-2013 11:01

Decent show as far as it went (already a member and as good if not a little bit stronger than the 2010 )but they are kind of falling between two stools. They are not going to get lots of calls if they make it a members only show (watch a Shebang show and they only get a couple per show too) but it wasn't enough of a "performance" to keep things interesting to warrant a membership.

Think they have to either put it back to non-members watching on the web, or keep it members only and make it more of a show. Making it more of a show probably needs either a bit more imagination for a theme or making it more hardcore in order to get membership numbers in.

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - SteveHG - 11-10-2013 11:16


I agree with this. I actually thought the first show was a bit better (as were some of their 2-4-1s from 2010). The caps people kindly put up were mostly from the first part - it petered out after that and there were long periods where the girls just sat there, with Mica in particular looking quite bored.
S66 do need to decide where to go with these. Do they try to get other girls involved or have different themes or whatever? It's obvious these two won't go any further than they are already and I doubt others will unless they maybe get Sophia and some new blood in.

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - bombshell - 11-10-2013 11:40

(11-10-2013 08:36 )bombshell Wrote:  Big thanks to Q,DT and Classic for the pics,the one thing that struck me is at no time do either of the girls seem to be taking calls,so does that mean that members do not call the shows,or was this just that "A Show" for members only.Huh

Just reminded myself of something Sophia said.

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - jimmyt73 - 11-10-2013 13:36

I agree with the previous posts,although i thank those who took the trouble to post caps for those of us who cant afford to join,i think the problem is that most adult webshows are stronger than you can see on tv,but as last time this one was only really 2010 strength.I would also say making it members only after only one previous show is too soon.On the subject of who should be on these shows i have no problem with Caty but they should pair her with someone who wants to be there.

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - Jessica_deluna - 11-10-2013 15:01

Surely the obvious choice for these shows, would be Paige Turnah.... right

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - mr mystery - 11-10-2013 16:54

(11-10-2013 15:01 )Jessica_deluna Wrote:  Surely the obvious choice for these shows, would be Paige Turnah.... right

Paige Turnah being on the show wouldn't encourage me to pay to watch, the reason being i've seen her for free on Sexstation and can find hard core stuff she's done for free on the internet.
For me these shows should be about seeing girls that you can't easily get to see elsewhere for free going further than they can on tv, that was the original concept of BSX until they fucked it up, the problem is not many girls that are not porn stars are willing to go further than what is allowed on tv, so there lays the conundrum .

If they went back to making it free to watch and non age verified then it has to remain tame, it comes under ATVOD regulation and STD 66 would risk getting a fine if the regulator deemed the show to explicit to be shown for free on a non age verified web show .

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - Jessica_deluna - 11-10-2013 17:16

Caps as promised Big Grin

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RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - brinsford - 12-10-2013 08:35

The next show as got to be Caty & Tori Lee two fit girls, l think Tori
would go a lot more than Mica.Please Studio 66 have a try see what
you can do !!!!!

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - bunnybc - 12-10-2013 10:29

(12-10-2013 08:35 )brinsford Wrote:  The next show as got to be Caty & Tori Lee two fit girls, l think Tori
would go a lot more than Mica
.Please Studio 66 have a try see what
you can do !!!!!

Going on past history I doubt that very much.

RE: Caty Cole & Mica Martinez Web Show - mf135 - 17-10-2013 12:48

Wow. Think Caty looks a lot more into it than Mica.