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Close up of Arses Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Close up of Arses Thread - M-L-L - 03-09-2016 15:24

Wink bump bump Tongue


[Image: image-2C44_57CAEAB8.jpg]

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - M-L-L - 23-09-2017 21:56

bump bump Tongue


[Image: image-9977_59C6D572.jpg]

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - M-L-L - 01-12-2018 15:41

Wink one bump or two ?

[Image: image-ABC2_5C02AB35.jpg]

Wink Guess who ?

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - BlastedKeith - 20-07-2019 12:22

This is a great thread! My current arse of choice is Kim J’s. Can you imagine getting behind that, ramming away! A plush, comfortable ride.

[Image: 0-A3-F6-B8-D-AE8-A-4163-B382-798-D734-B9688.jpg]

[Image: 799-CCC2-E-220-B-4-F3-A-AECA-9-BC80-ABFAFBB.jpg]

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - The Goatman - 20-07-2019 12:44

This is the best thread ever M.L.L Smile

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - The Goatman - 20-07-2019 12:49

Here is 2 of evelyn Smile

[Image: 20190720-134702.jpg]

[Image: 20190720-134736.jpg]

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - cwpussylover - 20-07-2019 14:04

nice to see a few tea towel holders in the threadHeartImportantImportantBig Grin

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - cwpussylover - 20-07-2019 14:05


RE: Close up of Arses Thread - M-L-L - 20-07-2019 14:48

WinkSurprised 5 posts in one day - that's more than there's been here in the past 3 years ? laugh

(I fear that the rise of the spycam, and now the buzzy-bits seems to have put paid to the days of regular arse-to-camera views on the normal TV shows )

Smile Thanks for your kind words, Gentlemen.
CWP - the subtle hint is taken - here's Ruby Summers from August 2014 .....

[Image: image-0419_5D3328B9.jpg]
[Image: image-3098_5D3328B9.jpg]
[Image: image-9C7C_5D3328B9.jpg]
[Image: image-D241_5D3328B9.jpg]
[Image: image-5A63_5D3328B9.jpg]
[Image: image-420B_5D3328B9.jpg]
[Image: image-5700_5D3328B9.jpg]
[Image: image-A206_5D3328B9.jpg]

RE: Close up of Arses Thread - The Goatman - 20-07-2019 23:48


[Image: 20190721-004610.jpg]