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RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - lovebabes56 - 28-05-2020 08:27

I get the feeling this will become a period of our history that we may never be proud of or would want to talk about.

And to be honest, I think until Cummings is dealt with, and BOJO comes down of his high horse in his defence of him, we will end up as a country in state of limbo with a Government which will likely become paralysed by it's head teachers' inefficient posturing.

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - SOCATOA - 28-05-2020 10:44

I think we should change the title "Her Majesty's Government" to "The Cummings Glee Club", it would be more appropriate.

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - Charlemagne - 28-05-2020 11:07

Cummings broke his own law and has lied about it. Johnson and the cabinet are now complicant with his actions.

But worse than what Cummings did is the pack of journalists who are hanging outside Cummings home. Social distancing is not being observed.
They are a big risk at spreading the virus.

I've never been a fan of journalists hounding / stalking someone until they resign. Cummings and Boris have made a decision, they will have to suffer the consequences of their lack of action. bladewave

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - lovebabes56 - 28-05-2020 13:32


Durham Police are not to take any further action against Dominic Cummings

Jeez he gets off having a slap on the wrist, while we get fined if we step out of line of lockdown rules and that just proves it's one rule for Cummings and one for us.

This issue has tp weaken Boris' Premiership and his Government.

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - fucu2 - 28-05-2020 13:45

(27-05-2020 15:52 )ShandyHand Wrote:  ^ The Chancellor seems an exception. He should be in Boris' job.

You Obviously didn't see his ill judged retweet yesterday about Nando's re-opening and some of the replies to it

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - Goodfella3041 - 28-05-2020 13:48

My initial conspiracy theory ... (bearing in mind that these are usually wrong):

Boris and co realise that the story is not going away. But they've gone too far out on a limb to turn back now. To capitulate to public sentiment and media pressure would signal weakness and they are all about 'strong and stable' horseshit.

So the Home Office leans on Durham Constabulary -- 'Please find something, anything, to contradict his story...'

Now that they have, Boris can pretend to stand by everything he said previously, but 'based on this new information' he has a face-saving way to make a u-turn and ask for a resignation.

Like I said, probably wrong. But if a resignation / sacking happens now, my suspicion will be that they engineered it themselves as an exit strategy.

(And, seriously, what's with moon landing!? Sooooo fake...)

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - skully - 28-05-2020 14:08

I didn't care for the tone change the other day, seemed off considering what was said previously.

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - Goodfella3041 - 28-05-2020 14:25

Skully, you should subscribe to my newsletter. There is some fascinating stuff in there about the Kennedy 'assassination' too (my theory being that it was actually a very well-staged suicide...)

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - skully - 28-05-2020 15:23

This is more about not trusting proven liars than conspiracy tbh. In normal times they wouldn't be openly manipulative of the law, but our current government have shown they don't actually care. I don't buy most conspiracy theories, but they are a fun read if nothing else Smile

RE: Should Dominic Cummings go? - HannahsPet - 28-05-2020 17:08

Boris doing the briefing must be something going on